Chapter 1: Orcville

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I jolted awake as the ring of a bell sounded loud in my ears. I glanced frantically around the cell, only to notice one change; the appearance of a plate of food. The platter sat directly under the slot on the door, and by the the looks of it, it'd been placed there only moments ago. I stood up slowly and started making my way towards the food, but a hand snatched the plate away before I could reach it.

"Sucks to suck!" Silvie snickered, sticking her tongue out at me.

Silvie's silver hair shined in the morning light while her pale skin made her look like a ghost. Though she was a Halfie, she only had two things that made her a spider girl, her four eyes and her ability to make webs from her pores.

"Can you at least share?" I sighed as I sat on the old bed she had slept in the previous night, leaving me on the cold floor.

"I'll give you whatever I don't finish Noir." She mumbled, scoffing down our food.

"I've told you a million times not to call me Noir, it's Emanuel." I groaned.

It's been two months since we've left the Crest family, the fake family created to spite the Five Faiths. The odd thing is they haven't came after us yet, which means they're plotting something. No matter what happens, I'm not going back, not after what they made me do...

"Emanuel Spark. There, I said it, happy now?" Silvie said passing me the plate with only a piece of bread on it.

I bit into the stale bread and looked at myself in the broken mirror next to the bed. I could see my brown complexion and my curly brown hair. The scars on my hands went from my pinky to my thumb and looked like a poorly drawn lightning bolt tattoo.

"Hey Noir, can you use your flames to bust down this cell? The bars look burnable." She said kicking the bars.

"I told you, I can't. I'm not using that power anymore, not until my brother comes back. Also can you put the bandana back on? The four eyes thing is pretty scary." I exclaimed, looking into her purple eyes.

"Ugh you're so boring! Fine, I'll put it on. But if you do then you'll use your flames!" She insisted, wrapping the purple bandana around the pair of eyes on her forehead.

The jail door swung open and an orc rustled the bars to get our attention.

"Good news! You're leaving Orcville once a woman from the Blizzard family picks you up. Until then, enjoy your stay." He chuckled.

"Who do you think you are, you big red brute!" Silvie hissed, moving closer to the bars.

"I'm the leader of this town, now watch your tone lady. I'll be having my boy come and take you to the showers but if you guys do anything, I'll hand the Blizzard family your dead bodies." He threatened, then left slamming the jail door.

Silvie sat next to me and stared at me.


"Do something, I'm bored."

"Why don't you just sit and wait?"

"Cause that's boooring."

"I'm getting really tired of you..."

After a few minutes of back and forth, the jail doors opened once again and a orc, smaller than the one before came in. He had grey hair, when most orcs didn't even have hair to begin with, and carried glove like weapons on his back. He only has one horn and it seems to be broken; slowly healing. He also has a grey scarf around his neck.

"So you two are the Crest scum huh? Well how strong are ya?" He asked.

"Pretty strong if we were apart of Crest, why does that matter?" I answered.

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