Ch 41: Me? (Bruce)

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"Hey Bruce!"

I jumped, dropping my coffee, before letting out a sigh, clutching my heart. "Eric Carr what did I say about just walking into my fucking apartment without telling me?" I asked, turning around to give him a look. His face turned red and he shrugged, giving me a huge smile. "I dunno! You gave me a key, I take that as full permission to do whatever the hell I want!"

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed some paper towels, mopping up the coffee I spilled. "Alright, whatever, you got me there. So what's up that you had to break into my house to tell me?" I asked. His smile somehow got bigger and he shrugged. "You play guitar, right?" I looked at the three or so electric guitars standing in the corner of the room. "No. I've never played guitar in my life," I said sarcastically.

He punched me in the arm affectionately. "Shut up. Shut up, I'm just trying to break the ice!" "Break the ice?! Eric, we've been best friends for years! What ice is there to break?" I said with a laugh. "Shut up! I'm just trying to figure out how to ask you, damn!" he muttered. "Ask me what?! Eric, just spit it out, geez!"

"Soo Ace is out of the band because he needs to get help for his drinking issues. Which, of course, means that we need a new guitarist. wanna be our new guitarist?" he asked, giving me a grin. I leaned on the counter, looking at him in surprise. "What?"

"Our new lead guitarist! We need one in the band, in Kiss I mean, and you're a really good guitarist, so like...please? I also really want you in the band so I can fuck around with you on tours and stuff." I burst into laughter before giving him a hug. "Hell yeah I will! Am I gonna have to come up with a makeup design or something though? Because I don't know if I can do that."

He laughed, shaking his head. "No, no, we're ditching the makeup. Gene and Paul want a new gimmick and whats more gimmicky then getting rid of a gimmick?" "Mm, good point," I said absentmindedly. "So the band, then? What's going on with it now, album wise?"

"We've got a new one coming out! Lick It Up and shit. We have some songs written but we'd love for you to play on it. And of course with the album comes the tour. And the money. But yeah, it's really fun being in the band! And I'm really glad you want to be in it too." "Of course! I'm excited. When do I anything for it?"

Eric grinned, running a hand through his hair. "Ah, okay! So we have a meeting today at our usual practice place, I'll send you the address! We're not gonna play today I don't think, we just need to plan out our tour and album. So yeah, you need to come and stuff! Anyway, I'm really glad you want to be in the band! I gotta get back home, I'll see you at three!" he said, giving me a hug and heading for the door.

"Bye Eric! Thanks for inviting me to join the band!" I said. "Hell yeah man!" he called back.

At a few minutes before three, I walked into the practice room, running a hand through my hair and feeling nervous for no real reason at all. Eric gave me a smile, holding a tiny bundle of blankets that was Charlie in his arms. "Bruce! Oh man I'm so glad you made it!" he said. "I had to bring Charlie but Gene also got stuck with Sophie so it doesn't really matter. But anyway! They're not here yet, so you can just sit down and chill!" he said happily.

I nodded, taking a seat at the table and drumming my fingers on it absentmindedly. "Hey you adorable baby, stop grabbing my hair and grab onto this," Eric said with a smile, handing Charlie one of his drumsticks. Babbling baby nonsense, Charlie gripped the drumstick, immediately chewing on it.

"He's so adorable man," I said with a smile. Absolutely beaming, Eric nodded. "He really is. Damn Bruce I'm damn I'm so excited to have a kid! Like I'm so excited to see him grow up and to do so many things with him, you know?! Like I'm gonna teach him to ride a bike and stuff and help him learn to walk and I'm gonna help him with homework and teach him how to drive and how to play drums and I'm just so excited!" he cried.

"Yeah, that's the best part of having a kid. I'm really glad I've got a second one now," Gene said, walking into the room and setting down the carseat Sophie was sleeping in. "You thinking of having more?" Eric nodded, giving Charlie a kiss on the forehead. "Yeah, me and Carrie want to have four kids in total. Spaced out over a few years, obviously, I don't hate myself. But hey, we've got our whole lives together! How about you?"

Gene shook his head with a crooked grin. "Two and done. We've got a son and a daughter, that's all we really wanted. Bruce, you're still planning on not having any?" I nodded. "Yeah, kids are cute but not my thing. Where's Paul? Are we going to get this thing going?" Gene looked at his phone before rolling his eyes. "Paul's running late because he's with Eric, like always."

"Damn! Gonna have to talk about Eric about letting his boyfriend be on time to practice," Eric said with a grin.

Finally, the door swung open and Paul walked in, taking his seat at the table and giving me a smile, face still flushed. "Sorry, sorry, sorry I'm late," he said with a grin. "Anyway, welcome to the band, Bruce!" I smiled back. "Yeah, I'm excited! I'm happy to be a part of the band, I'm looking forward to it." "I'm looking forward to having a guitarist who won't show up drunk to shows," Gene muttered. "And practices. And press conferences. And just everything."

"I'm just looking forward to being in the band," I said with a smile.

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