Ch 4: Hey Stop (Paul)

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I walked into my hotel room, drained. As much as I loved the band, I was getting sick and tired of touring. Another city every night, which meant having to move to a new hotel, a new stage, having to set everything up again, unpack, repack, etc. etc. the list went on and on. All I wanted was to have someone to come home to, someone to find waiting in my hotel room, but Eric had asked for a break and I wasn't about to tell him he wasn't allowed to do that.

After two years of regularly seeing his beautiful blond ass, I didn't realize just how much I would miss him once we called it off. And as often as I called groupies into my room after the show, it wasn't the same as having someone I was actually dating. I mean yeah there were a lot of sexy girls and guys all eager to do whatever the hell I wanted to do with them, but it all just kind of felt empty.

Gene, of course, didn't seem to have the same problem.

"Hey hon how was the show tonight?"

I jumped as Shannon's voice came from his room, moving over to the connecting door and silently opening it a bit. He was sitting on his bed, FaceTiming her with a goofy lovesick smile on his face. "Hello my lovely wifey, it was fine. How's Nick?" "Ah, he's been difficult. That damn stubborn toddler phase and all."

He laughed, shaking his head, and I felt a small ball of envy form in the pit of my stomach. Damn, I wanted to have that again, to have someone call and ask how I was and I could ask how they were and we could just be there for each other.

"Mm, that's the one benefit of being on tour when he's this age. Can't say I'm heartbroken to miss that phase. I've missed you both though! Especially you. Once we're back in town you'll have to come to a show. If you're lucky you might manage to meet up with the bassist backstage," he teased. "I'll be sure to tell a roadie you're my favorite groupie."

Shannon laughed and I felt sicker. "Favorite or only?" "Only, you know that! Now it's late for you, I'm going to let you go. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you hon." "Love you too."

The instant he hung up he walked to the door, returning a second later with some young girl on his arm, sitting her on his bed and pulling her into a kiss. Scowling, I closed the door between our rooms, stepping into the hall to make sure the main door to his room was closed too. The last thing I wanted was someone with a camera seeing things they weren't supposed to and showing it to the whole world.

Being the nosy bitch I was, I looked through the crack in the door that had of course been left open before closing it. To my absolute surprise, he and the girl were just sitting there and talking. Both fully clothed, not even really touching each other. Shaking my head, I shut the door as he moved in for another kiss, vowing to confront him tomorrow.

The next morning I slid out of bed, getting dressed and immensely thankful we weren't playing a show tonight. Without even bothering to see if he was awake or alone or anything, I pushed open the door and walked into his room. He was just sitting on his bed, staring miserably at the floor.

Frowning, I sat next to him. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, nudging him. He shook his head. "I really miss Shannon and Nick," he mumbled. I could feel myself getting angry as he said that but fought desperately to keep my cool. "Oh. Yeah, I'm sorry man. I wish she could've come." "Me too," he said with a sigh, flopping back on his bed. "But we didn't want to have to bring Nick along because he's too young. And so now I really miss her and I don't know what to do."

"I could call her? Or we could go out and do something, see what there is to do around here?" I suggested, trying desperately to bait him into it. "Yeah. Or maybe there's like groupies I could hang out with or something." Ah, perfect. I scowled in spite of myself, shaking my head. "Yeah we need to talk about that. Don't you think it's wrong? And unfair to Shannon? Like does she even know?"

He sat up, looking at me. "Does she know what?" I folded my arms across my chest, raising an eyebrow. "Does Shannon know what you do with the groupies?" His face grew red and he looked away before shrugging. "I dunno. I haven't told her but that doesn't mean she doesn't know." "Don't you think she should know?" I snapped. Ears burning, he shrugged again. "Don't you think you should stay out of my marriage?"

"I just think it's fucked up! You cheat on your wife like every weekend, every time we have a show. That doesn't seem wrong to you?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I mean it's not like I ever have sex with them or anything. Just like...make out." "It's still cheating though! I mean how would you feel if Shannon was making out with a bunch of guys all the time?!" "Oh yeah, well you do stuff with groupies too! More than I do!" "I'm not married! I'm not even dating anyone right now!"

"Okay well Ace and Peter--" "Ace and Peter either do stuff together or know what each other is doing at all times! They're in agreement with what they do! The very fact you're trying so hard to justify this makes me think you know damn well what you're doing is wrong!" I shouted.

"Okay yeah you're right I know! I realized I fucked up and I fucked up badly and now I'm scared and I don't know what to do! I don't know why I did it either! I don't know why I keep doing it!" he cried. "Shannon loves you man, she adores you! And you just turn around and spit in her face by doing this?! By making out with girls you don't even know every single night?! And then lying to her about it!" I said angrily.

His face fell and he squirmed uncomfortably, rising to his feet and pacing around the room. "Look it's doesn't concern you, alright? It's my marriage and my wife and my issue to deal with. I get that you care about me but please just stay out of this," he said quietly. Shaking my head, I walked back to my room. "Just think about what you're doing and whether or not it's worth it," I muttered.

He had such a perfect life, married to a perfect woman with an adorable son, and it pissed me off to have to watch him throw it away for one night stands.

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