" I'd rather not say it out loud, i'll just send you guy's the link " she said as the girls and i's phone went off

A/n: ok so vevo won't let me show you guy's the video because it was apparently blocked on wattpad but it was the señorita video which i'm sure many of you have probably watched already but if you haven't just go to YouTube and search for it

" Omg " i said after i got done watching the video

" I know it's bad " dinah said

" Wait, what are you guy's talking about ? " y/n asked

" Uhh umm just a music video " i said

" Ok, which one was it ? " she asked as i looked at the girls

" Señorita" i said and sight

" Oh ok " she said

" Wait you're not even going to ask to see it ? "

" I already did " she said

" And you're not mad ? " normani asked

" Well i was upset while i was watching it but i- i'm fine " she said in a sad tone

" Quit lying y/n " lucus said

" I'm not, uhh can you help me up i need to go take a shower " she said as he nodded his head and took her to the bathroom


Y/n's Pov

I got out of the shower and wraped my towel around my body. I didn't want to bother the girls or lucus so i slowly limped my way back to the bedroom surprisingly the girls were still there

" Ehem" i said which made them look at me

" Oh you're back, do you want us to leave ? ally asked as i shook my head no

" It's fine just keep your focus on the tv " i said as i went to my closet to grab my clothes

" It's fine just keep your focus on the tv " i said as i went to my closet to grab my clothes

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As i was putting my shirt on i felt eyes glued on me but i just brushed it off and finished putting my sweats and my sneakers on

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As i was putting my shirt on i felt eyes glued on me but i just brushed it off and finished putting my sweats and my sneakers on

" You guy's can look now " i said

" Really ? " dinah asked as i rasied my brow

" What ? " i asked

" You're wearing sweats it's 111° outside " she said

" She's right and we can see something that we're not suppose to be seeing " normani said as i looked down

" Ohh i forgot that it prints thorough, meh you guy's will be fine " i said as i went to go sit on the bed with them

" Suree you did " dinah said and rolled her eyes as i lightly chuckled

" Hey lauren, can you please pass me my phone ? " i asked

" Uh sure " she said as she reached for it from the night stand and handed it to me

" Thanks " i said and unlocked my phone and check to see if i had any notifications and i did all of it was from Instagram so i opened the app

" Thanks " i said and unlocked my phone and check to see if i had any notifications and i did all of it was from Instagram so i opened the app

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dimitrishair: These two ❤

they_call_me_papi : omg yasss !!

Lamp_jane : So like are they dating now or what ?


After reading some more comments i started to feel sad again so i just powered off my phone

" You ok ? " dinah asked as she looked at me with worried eyes

" Ye- yeah i'm fine " i lied

" What were you looking at ? " normani asked

" A picture " i said

" Was it a picture of camila and shawn ? " lauren asked as i nodded my head yes and she grabbed my hand

" Listen to me y/n that picture means nothing , i know you're feeling sad right now but i hope you know that i'm here for you we're all her for you" she said as i nodded my head and smiled

" Alright enough of that, lauren come with me " dinah said as she stood up with lauren doing the same >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dinah's Pov

" What was that ? " i asked as soon as she stepped out of the room

" What are you talking about dinah ? " she asked

" You know that soft shit that you just pulled with y/n "

" You mean comfort her ? " she asked as i rolled my eyes

" No lauren, you're acting soft for some reason and don't say that your not because you are and if you weren't you'd probably already be on a hunt trying to find camila to slap some sense into her " i said

" Dinah, i'm not acting soft at all i'm never soft , i just feel really bad for her " she said

" Mhm ok , also i hope you know that this conversation is NOT over " i said and walked back into the room


A/N: Hello fellow human beings it's been a while i know but i've been busy lately but ... anyways i'll try to update more often also guy's be safe out there

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