Scared treasure lostvayne

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Gowther: I got dumped.

Slader: so, what's all the commotion about?

Merlin: slader, of the roars of dawn. Perfect timing, I need an urgent favor to ask you.

Meliodas: the only orders that guy takes it the king himself.

Slader: your rather wish is my command.

Meliodas: hey slader. What is this? Does Merlin have some kind of dirt on you?

Slader: don't be absurd. That dazzling display she put on breached an inpenitral barrier with such flare to rescue the king. It gave me goosebumps. Please allow me to call you my big sister?

Merlin: I allow it. Alright gowther come here.

Gowther steps foward

Merlin: abouslute cancel.

The spell made gowther shrink back to his doll form.

Merlin: the magical power used on him is incredibly powerful. He's back to his original form. But it's only temporary.

Slader: his original form? I don't understand? It looks like he's a-

Merlin: right. A great magician created gowther many years ago. He's a doll. Slader, I am going to need you to look after him while we're away on a mission. Alright?

Slader: yes of course.

At the tavern

Hawk: wow, I can't believe gowthers a little doll. I guess this world is freaky strange things isn't it?

Meliodas: you should be the last one to ask that question.

Slader: its a talking pig?

Merlin: also hawk. Are you feeling any better?

Hawk: well, I sorta was feeling a bit loopy for a while, turns out I had to poop.

Meliodas: your a digestion machine aren't you?

Daine: captain, did you know that about gowther?

Meliodas: nope. I just found out today.

Daine: well I had no idea. I never used to believe a word of it. But know I know why.

Meliodas: hey, there's nothing to worry about. I bet gowthers just gonna be just fine.

Daine: your so amazing captain. Your not even surprises one bit.

Meliodas: probably because I'm used to seeing all these kinds of people. Besides, no matter who or what he is, he's still our friend isn't he? And one of the seven deadly sins right?

Daine heads then started to feel fuzzy.

Meliodas: so slader, how would you like to join us for a while? Since were missing two of our guys now.

Slader: fine by me. His majesty told me to be assistance to the seven deadly sins in anyway deemed necessary.

Elizabeth: sir meliodas can I come too?

Meliodas: I told you before. The battle for liones is done. So there's no reason for you to be put in danger anymore.

Elizabeth: but I thought we were in this together? Am I the only one who felt that way? Or am nothing more too you than backage waging you down?

Meliodas: exactly.

Daine: captain you jerk!

Hawk: you sticking pig!

Gohan OC x seven deadly sins ( COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin