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Item #: SCP-709

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-709 is currently set up in TA-F2, Sector-28. Any staff member is permitted to access the sphere, provided they schedule the time in advance, so as to avoid conflict. Class D personnel wishing to use the sphere require permission from their direct supervisor.

Description: SCP-709 is a spherical "tree house" assembled from a kit provided by the ███████ company of Vancouver Island. It has been furnished as a small apartment suitable for overnighting. When a person looks out the window for a period of more than three to five minutes, they will begin to see what appear to be alternative versions of the forest and its inhabitants, such as a "four-winged bird" or a range of bipedal cougars walking down a trail. These visions are not consistent between viewing sessions, or between observers during a single session. They can be recorded with conventional video or film equipment, but the equipment will not record the same sights as living observers; neither will different cameras record the same images, even during simultaneous recording sessions.

Addendum: SCP-709 first came to Foundation attention when its owner began to complain to his psychiatrist of hallucinations connected to the tree house. One of our contacts, the psychiatrist, informed us of this anomalous case. After a covert visit to the tree house on █/█/███, Agent Talmor reported that the sphere was, in fact, an SCP candidate. On her recommendation, the psychiatrist encouraged her patient to replace the sphere. Posing as a local rubbish removal company, a team of agents collected the original sphere, and installed it in TA-F2. The original owner no longer complains of hallucinations, and ascribes his visions to simple imagination.

Addendum 2: Personnel who have made use of SCP-709 are encouraged to record their observations in .

Observation Log 709

Name: Agent Talmor
Date: 04/01/2009
Time: 23:15 approx.
Duration: 20 minutes approx.
Observed: A family of raccoons playing in the snow, wearing mittens and boots. They made and threw snowballs, built a snow raccoon, and otherwise engaged in normal winter play.

Name: Agent Thompson
Date: 06/01/2009
Time: 19:30
Duration: 23 minutes
Observed: Several species of wildlife including: bears, deer, wolves, birds, sheep, raccoons and squirrels (all of which were bipedal) engaged in warfare, using current day automatic weapons and several futuristic laser cannons.

Name: Dr. █████
Date: 01/08/████
Time: 12:00
Duration: 30 minutes

Large tree-like being which moved a total of four feet during observation. Appeared to wave "branches" several times, and [DATA EXPUNGED].A large viper-like lizard, with gliding wings that appear to be part of the rib cage.A small family of grizzly bears, which appear to have tongues similar to those of the chameleon, as well a second set of limbs mid-way down the rib cage.[DATA EXPUNGED] aware of observation. Level of awareness appears to be minimal, and the subject's physical dimensions limit any possibility of interaction.

Name: Agent CarrionTrooper
Date: 10/07/2009
Time: 09:10 approx.
Duration: 50 minutes approx.
Observed: Velociraptors hunting a Parasaurolophus. They used obsidian knives to butcher the meat, and carried bag-like containers where they put the rest of the meat. They left the scene after butchering the Parasaurolophus. Shortly after they left, small unidentified dinosaurs scurried to the carcass and ate bits of it.

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