Jael's face brightens. "Really?"

There's a sense of pride in his proclamation.

I mean it's not like it's a big deal people break their arms all the time.

Jael flashes me a disappointed look which makes me realise my thoughts weren't thoughts at all.

I said that out loud.

Yeshua looks rather stunned.

I quickly pack my shake inside my bag.

Jael speaks quietly. "That's not very considerate Willie."

I snap. "Whatever OK?! Maybe. . .maybe you should think twice before jumping off a building three days before summer begins!" I direct my statement at Yeshua.

He looks away, hurt.

I put three fingers on my lips, marvelled at the words I just threw out of my mouth.

I know I'm angry but I'm not sure why exactly.

Jael also seems hurt but her expression is wiped away with that of anger.

I opt to apologise but it's impossible for those common two words to leave my mouth.

I carry my bag and storm out.

I can feel Jael's eyes follow me for sometime.

"Said some real lovely things back there Willie." Someone echoes from behind me.

I turn to my side. It's the same weird eyed girl from class. Poppy. That was her name I suppose.

"What do you know?!" I snap. "And how do you know me I've barely even spoken to you."

"Willie Eli? Right? Why do you talk like no-one knows you? Literally everyone knows you."

Oh, that's correct I guess.

She's no more in the outfit she was wearing earlier, rather a plain turtleneck, leather pants and knee high boots.

"Hmm. . .hey, Willie. If wishes could come true what would you wish for?"

I don't get what this conversation is supposed to be about and I certainly am not going on with it.

I roll my eyes in disinterest and start off on the sidewalk home.

I can hear her following me from behind and seeing as this would be a long walk home I decide to stop her in her tracks.

"Are you following me?" I snap.
"Yes." She replies without hesitation.

"Answer the question."

She's following me home because of a question?

"You're a joker you know that right?" I fume.

She laughs, per se I'd just said a really good pun.
If I've told a joke, I'm pretty sure I don't get it.

"Costume party." She smiles.

I think for a second.
A mate of mine who goes by name Charlotte was hosting one next week.

"Um. . .I know that?" I furrow.

"Cool. Wear something memorable though." She chuckles.

Has she just made a joke? If so, I don't get it.

I bite my lip, ignore her and get on with my walk.

"Renwil you haven't answered the question." She reminds.

I turn back. "You do know I can report you to the police cause this is basically stalking."

I wave my phone at her.

"The question." She smirks.

Why all of a sudden is what I would wish for such an important question?

I mean well . . .not like it isn't or whatever.

I shrug, I just need her to leave me alone at the moment. After the way I spoke to my best friend I deserve some alone time and that's undeniable.

"Um. . .What I would wish for? I dunno. . .maybe. . ."

"Think wisely about it." Poppy states, arms crossed lightly.

What I say doesn't sound like a wish, not even a need, just a very desperate want that's pushed out with the aid of my ego.

"For those two knuckle heads to. . .well I dunno maybe just obey and listen to me for a day, just a day and that's it!"

Poppy smiles and starts walking the other way.

"You'll get an email."

I don't know what exactly that's supposed to mean but I let out a puff of air from my pursed lips and take faultless strides back home.

You'll get an email.

The moment I land in my room her words suddenly come crashing back to me.

I fidget with my phone a bit before I open my email.


I don't get why but her words keep on singing in my ears. Like it's something I should be expecting. Something I shouldn't afford to miss.

Something I mustn't afford to miss.

And I guess, maybe I won't.

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