Chapter V

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where were you?

"George can you get that?" my dad as he's working on the house again.

My mom is out today for her work. She works even on Saturdays, and my dad loves to customize the house so much.


"Yes! Yes!" I hurried my way through the door and opened it. No one was there, but there was a letter in our mailbox.

Could it be?

"Who is it?"

Before he could even get closer I managed to keep it on my pocket.

"There was no one Dad...could be a prank." I shrugged.

I went on my room and finally had the chance to look at it.

It was from the bank. Maybe my mom's.

Days have passed and there were still no letters.

"Miss Dinese.. are you sure you sent my letter?" I asked her after the class.

"Yes, what's the problem?" she smiled curiously.


Why does he have to be so early all the time?

I sighed. "Nothing."

They both exchanged smiles, but my dad's was bigger.

"How's school?"

"Fine. Boring."

"You know what, mom told me that you guys will have a trip to the Philippines for the summer next year."

"Really?!" I've never been to the Philippines. I've never spoken the language. Mom always did, and I find it hard to understand.

"Yep. You'll meet your lola and lolo, aunties and uncles."

"But—aren't you coming with us?"

"I'll need to do some stuff here too." he looked at me through the mirror.

"Are you gonna be okay alone? Who'll cook for you? You don't know how to cook."

He laughed.

"Don't tell me you're gonna eat Wendy's every time."

"Hm. How'd you know that?" He laughed.

"I want to eat Wendy's too. I can eat it everyday!" I smiled waiting for him to turn.

"Nope. No fast food today."

"Mom! Mom!"

She looked at me with bored eyes. "What?"

"Is it true? Are we finally going to the Philippines?" I excitedly asked.

She nodded. "You should learn speaking Tagalog so they'll understand you."

I smiled. "I will!"

I was waiting for the school bus when the mailman rang the doorbell and placed a letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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