Capitolo Tredici

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"Where is it?" Domenico questioned checking my other hand just to make sure he hadn't missed the ring.

"Where's what?" I played dumb not wanting to drop another bomb on him.

"Your ring Apollonia, you are only wearing the wedding band. Where's the ring?"

I couldn't meet his intense and heated gaze. "I had to trade it in order to get Daniele."

"You what?" He spat. "You have it to Francesca's aunt?"

"Her uncle," I corrected. I knew Domenico was pissed off that I had given away the only thing that was the symbol of our marriage, but I had to do what I had to do.

"I don't need another one Domenico. It's fine," I put my hands on his broad shoulders to order to calm him down. "I have my wedding band at least."

"Who the hell does he think he is bargaining a child, my son for my wife's wedding ring!" His voice boomed throughout the bedroom.

"Don't stress about it Domenico, it's over and we have Daniele back. Everything is fine now," I soothed. I knew he would be upset but I wasn't expecting him to be so angry over the ring.

A whimper was heard from the baby monitor that sat on the night stand beside my bed. The whimper soon turned into a full on cry.

"Do you want to get him?" I asked giving a smile to the uncomfortable look Domenico had on his face.

"I don't think so," Domenico rubbed the back of his neck. "Come one," I grabbed his hand tugging him to get up from his sitting position on the bed. "I'll help you."

When we entered the nursery Daniele was already standing up, shaking the rail of the crib crying. "Go pick him up," I urged my husband forward. Hesitantly Domenico reached down to the toddler with out stretched arms and picked him up. Daniele grasped onto the suit jacket Domenico was wearing and began to drool all over it.

"Apollonia," Domenico said looking down at his now drool covered suit.

"Here," I handed him a baby cloth to wipe up the drool on my husband's suit. Then it struck me, we looked like a normal everyday family. It warmed my heart that Daniele could be changing Domenico's usual rigid demeanor to a softer one.

While I continued wiping away the drool spots on the black suit jacket Daniele took to entertaining himself by grabbing ahold of his father's nose and attempting to stick his hands in his mouth. It was a sight seeing Domenico trying to dodge his son's pudgy little fingers.

"You seem like a natural Domenico," I commented with a small smile. "Maybe I am," he smirked ruffling his son's curly brown hair.

I couldn't help wondering what he would be like when our own children would be born. Would he be one of those overprotective fathers is he had a daughter? I just pray he wouldn't be like my father. My own father hadn't even been in contact with me since the wedding.

"What are you thinking about?" Domenico gave me a weird look. "Oh nothing," I smiled back before tickling Daniele.

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