Capitolo Ventiquattro

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The week went by agonizingly slow, but the day my parents left was such a relief. I was sad to see my mother go back to New York, knowing she would be stuck in that big empty mansion with my father. If only she would find it in her to leave him and move to Sicily where she could leave with Domenico and I. But I knew in my heart she never would.

"Mama," Daniele waddled up to me and wrapped his tiny hands around my leg. He was becoming exceptionally clingy lately and Antonia was worried that he was becoming jealous over the new sibling that he would have in only four short months.

"What is it sweetheart?" I patted his head lovingly looking into his eyes that reminded me so much of his father. Daniele outstretched his arms indicating for me to pick him up. I lifted him into my arms just as Domenico came into the living room.

"You shouldn't do that Apollonia," my husband scolded taking his son into his own arms. "You're getting too far along in the pregnancy to be doing things like that."

"I'm fine," I sighed annoyed that Domenico was slowly restricting what I could and could not do. "Stop pestering me, I'm pregnant not handicapped."

"Calm down I'm only trying to look out for you," he tried to reason with me. To bad my hormones didn't see it that way.

My eyes were burning with tears and my anger was steadily rising. "I don't need you to hover over me! I can take care of myself." I snatched Daniele back out of his arms and marched upstairs to put our son down for his afternoon nap. I was all over the place emotionally and feeling rundown all the time didn't help how I was behaving towards the people around me.

Heavy footsteps sounded hours later when I was in my bedroom folding up unisex newborn baby clothes. Domenico had gone out to handle business, whatever that meant, and had not spoken to me since. That was his usual way of handling my hormonal tantrums, as he called them.

"Have you calmed down yet?" I heard his voice from the doorway and turned to see him standing there looking absolutely delectable in his blue office shirt rolled to his forearms. For some reason the way he looked at that exact moment made me incredibly excited.

"Apollonia?" Domenico gave me a weird look before walking into the room and closing the door behind him. "Are you alright? You look a little flushed."

"I'm fine," I said feeling heat rise to my face as the temperature in the room felt as if it were rapidly increasing.

"Are you sure?" He titled my head so I was looking up at him. His simple touch and smoldering gaze was sending electric signals down to the core of my body, causing me to squirm uncomfortably.

"Don't do that," I said barely over a whisper trying desperately to control myself from tackling him to the bed.

"Don't do what?" He seemed confused at my demand.

"Look at me like that."

A knowing smirk displayed itself across his face, no doubt inflating his ego ten times more. "Do you want me Apollonia?" When I didn't respond he continued on. "The doctor said it was normal for you to want sex more than normal, don't run from what you want. If you need me to help you out all you have to do is say the word." He trailed slow kisses up and down my neck and along my jawline.

"Do you want me Apollonia?" He taunted kneading his skillful hands into my hips.

"I do but ..." I paused becoming embarrassed of my size, since my bump had begun growing Domenico hadn't seen my big belly.

"But what darling?"

"I don't look the same, I'm a lot bigger than I was before."

"I know Apollonia and you pregnant is even sexier than when you had a flat stomach."

"I want you so badly," I whined becoming impatient.

"Then you can have me," he said in a husky voice before taking me bed.

We spent hours tangled up in each other, until the late afternoon. Normally I would have been embarrassed about something like this but right now I was in love with what was happening.

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