Ch.8: Unknown Territory - The Day

Start from the beginning

"Alright then, WHO is your backup?" she asked, almost like she wasn't expecting an answer. Except Barb DID have an answer.


Katie looked confused. "...Who?"

"Val Thundershock!" Barb replied. "You know, our ambassador? She hops from tribe to tribe for us when we are too busy to leave the city ourselves?"

Katie was silent.

"Light blue eyes...purple hair with white stripes that's styled into pigtails with red, skull-shaped hairbands...any of these features ringing any bells?"

Katie shook her head slowly. "No...I've literally never heard of this troll in my life..."

Barb was beginning to look irritated. "She's been to nearly all of our city meetings! She's essential to our tribe! Have you seriously never noticed her?!"

"I haven't BEEN to the meetings!" Katie squeaked as she began to raise her voice. "You've NEVER invited me! In fact, you always tell me NOT to come! It's like you're embarrassed to even have me around!"

"Barb! Kat! Please! Save it for later!" I groaned while walking past them. "We need to get moving!"

The last thing we needed right now was unnecessary bickering...

Suddenly, I felt someone place something heavy on my head. "What the...?"

I reached up and felt something cold. For a second, I didn't even know what it could possibly be!

Just then, Katheryn jumped in front of me. "Oh! I thought you might've wanted your crown back! Remember, I was holding it?"

I chuckled nervously. "Oh...right!" No wonder it felt so heavy...

"So what do we do now?" my sister asked me curiously.

I adjusted the crown on my head and looked forward. "We start walking. Stay alert, and don't wander off. I'll take the lead."

I started walking further under the shade of the palm trees, finally getting out of the blistering heat and leaving our raft on the beach behind us.

Katheryn made sure she stayed as close to me as possible, clinging onto my arm like a frightened child, while Barb followed us singing "Welcome to the Jungle" quietly to herself.

There was nothing out of the ordinary. Well, not yet, at least...

I couldn't hear any wildlife of any kind, aside from a few bugs. But other than that, and the sound of Barb singing, it was deathly quiet...

We had been walking for an hour perhaps, when my sister finally decided to break the silence.



"I know this is probably none of my business, but what did you tell the Void troll back on the beach?"

I smiled at her. "Oh! I told her the location of Harmony Castle. Since she's a very fast swimmer, so she should be there within a few hours."

Katheryn was shocked. "A few hours?!" she whisper-shouted. "But it took us 3 days to get here!"

"I know. But I want her to help Maya protect the techno trolls, as well as both of the eggs. It's not that I don't trust Maya, because I most certainly do, but although she is their queen, she tends to become rather anxious and overwhelmed when Trollex is not by her side."

"There's another reason, isn't there?" Katie asked. "Why else do you want her at Harmony Castle?"

" see...umm..." I mumbled. "I know that Maya can be a very responsible troll..."

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