Ch.7: Seasick of You

Start from the beginning

I shook my head. "N-No, I can't..."

"No one will know but us. Drop the fancy title and Roxanne for a few minutes."

I mean, she was right. My crown was starting to feel a bit heavier than more ways than one. I was just afraid if I took it off...I might never be able to convince myself to put it back on.

"Do you trust me?" she asked. I sighed, then nodded and lowered my head for a brief moment so she could gently take my crown off. The moment I saw it in her hands, it felt like a large weight was being lifted off my shoulders.

As she returned to her spot on the raft, I took a deep breath and sighed happily. All of my worries seemed to melt away, and now I felt like I could finally relax for a while...

It didn't last long, though.

A few minutes of sweet silence passed before I heard Barb ask, again, for the millionth time:

"Are we there yet?" she whined from her spot on the raft.

Katheryn and I groaned in unison. "We'll get there when we get there!" we said in unison.

"I swear, Barb, if you ask that question one more time, I will throw you into the ocean and not come back for you!" I threatened.

Barb gasped. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Wanna find out?"


"Then S H U S H !"

Barb rolled her eyes. "...UGH! Fiiiiiiine..."

Another brief moment of silence. Nothing could be heard but the gentle sound of the water rocking the raft back and forth.

Then, suddenly, I heard Katheryn say, "Sis, I have a question."

"Yes?" I responded.

"I need more details on what happened at Harmony Castle a few days ago, because quite frankly, I'm still confused about it."

I chuckled nervously and started to sweat. "What kind of details?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

I had a feeling this topic was gonna come up soon. It was only a matter of time. But right just didn't feel like the right time to tell her. "C-Can we talk about that later maybe?" I asked.

Katheryn didn't like that answer one bit. She frowned and stood up. "No! This is the perfect time to talk about it! Because honestly, I think we're gonna die out here in the middle of the ocean!"

"Wow, way to lose hope, mom..." Barb grumbled as she slowly stood up as well. My grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"I'm not losing hope, I'm being rational!" she responded. Her breathing quickened and I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was gonna spiral into a panic attack soon. "We've been sailing for three days straight with no sign of this "mysterious" island. We have no food or clean water, I feel sick to my stomach, and I'm pretty sure I just saw a shark fin over there!"

Barb put on her serious face and slowly started to approach Katie. "Woah, mom, calm down!"

Katie shook her head. "Why should I?! Have either of you ever stopped to think that MAYBE there is no island?"

Barb's face quickly shifted into a scowl as she crossed her arms. "You were the one who said there was an island!" She said, getting a bit annoyed.

"Yeah? Well now I'm starting to think that maybe there isn't one!" Katheryn stated.

"Oh my goodness gracious, mom! Will you get it together? This isn't you! You're not a coward!"

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