Ch.1: Some Big Changes

Start from the beginning

I had sent one of them, Goldie, to go find out where Trollzart and the funk family were at. They were supposed to show up hours ago, and they still hadn't arrived.

As for the other one...

Well, let's just say she'd probably show up along with Trollex, who was also running late. I mean, she was his queen, after all.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone hugging me from behind. "Hello, my dear! Are you still there?"

I felt Titus's hand reach around me and pat my heart. I smiled and turned around to face him.

"I'm here!" I responded, returning the gesture. Ever since Barb's rock tour, and everything that happened, Titus liked to place his hand over my heart several times a day. To an outsider, it was just a cute gesture, but to us, it held a deeper meaning.

He did it because he wanted to make sure that my techno heart was still beating, and above all, a part of me...he didn't want it to stop a second time. And I, in return, would place my hand on his heart as well. It was a reminder that after so many years apart, we were finally together again, and I couldn't be happier.

Titus smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "So how are you, my dear?"

"Tired..." I replied as I yawned. "Didn't get much sleep last night because of..."

"Because of your nightmare?" A look of concern began to appear on his face.

"Yeah...but I should be fine!" I didn't want him to worry about me. We had enough going on as it is. I reached up and caressed his cheek, causing his worried expression to soften a bit.

"I appreciate that you're concerned for me, but I really am fine." I got up on my toes and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips...before the moment was ruined by Barb yelling at us from the other side of the lawn. Both Katheryn and Thrash were over there with her as well.


Titus let go of my waist, but then grabbed my hand instead. "Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"Of course! Now go on," I told him. "Your niece needs you, and I need to go wake up a sleeping pop troll."

He smiled at me, kissed the back of my hand, then left to go help Barb.

What a cutie!

I walked over to the nearby cluster of trees and looked at the sleeping troll. The hood of her sweatshirt was up and over her eyes, probably to block out the sun. Her head was tilted back against the tree, and her mouth was wide open.

I bent down and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey! Wake up, Lee!"

The lilac pop troll snorted, jolted awake and started turning her head around frantically. Her eyes were still being covered by her hood, so she couldn't see anything.

"HeLlO?! WhO's ThErE?! I'm ArMeD aNd DaNgErOuS!" She held her pencil out in front of her, ready to attack. I laughed and pulled her hood back.

"Relax! It's just me."

"Oh...sorry! You spooked me." She stretched and yawned, then got to her feet. "Is Maya here yet?"

Trolls World Tour: Forever My KingWhere stories live. Discover now