Chapter Eight

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Nini was sitting at home alone, bored out of her mind. She didn't know what to do since her friends were all busy and her moms weren't home.

She checked the time on her phone and saw that it was almost time for Kourtney's break at the diner. She sent her a quick text asking if it was okay for her to stop by and when she approved she immediately started getting ready and started walking to the diner.


Ricky wakes up and gets ready for the day, even though he has no plan of what he was going to do. He walks downstairs to see Jenn making pancakes and Spencer watching tv.

"Good morning sleepy head, would you like some pancakes?" Jenn asks, placing two pancakes onto a plate.

"Uhh, yea, sure," Ricky replies hesitantly. He never used to eat breakfast, let alone have someone make it for him. In Chicago, he would just simply wake up and make his way to Red's house while his mom was at work.

"Okay, can you get your brother? He can eat with you," she directs, grabbing another plate out of the cupboard.

Suddenly, it all sunk in, he has a dad, a brother and step mom who love him. A love he hasn't felt since he was younger.

"Sure," was all he could say.

The two boys sat down at the table eating the pancakes, while Jenn started to clean up the kitchen.

"So, Ricky, what do you plan on doing today?" Jenn questioned, "your dad is already at work and I was planning on maybe taking Spencer to the park, would you like to join us?"

"Sure, y-yeah, I would love to join you guys," the boy smiled, looking over at his brother who was messily eating the pancakes with his hands.

"Great! We'll leave after breakfast."


Once they get to the park, Spencer instantly runs to the playground. Jenn laughs as she watches him wobble and she sits down at one of the picnic tables.

"So, how are you liking Salt Lake so far?"

"It's alright, I haven't seen much. I'd love to see more," he replies.

"Why don't you go for a walk, the scenery is beautiful here," Jenn suggests.

Ricky looks around the park and his eyes land on a trail, "okay, sure," he says, getting up from the picnic table.

"We'll be here waiting once you're done," Jenn says, pulling out a book from her purse.

He had no idea where the trail was headed, he just saw one and started following it.

There weren't a lot of people out that day, so he had the time and opportunity to take in the new environment.

He kept walking, looking down at his shoes, kicking the rocks that were in his way, then he looked up and saw someone familiar.

He stopped walking, and stared at the person across the street. He took a couple minutes to try and figure out where he knew the person from.

Then all of a sudden, it clicked.

What the hell? This can't be real. This isn't possible. I'm not crazy right? No no, this is not happening.

But it is, it's the girl from my dreams.

𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙚 [𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙖𝙪]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum