15_redbull at midnight

Start from the beginning

"Okay" I take the trash bag out of his hands "I'll go get ready then" I leave the room to throw away the trash and hear a chuckle. Yeah, he's coming. I simply throw on a hoodie on top of the t-shirt I'm wearing and it's paired with some joggers.

"Where are you going?" Jonah asks

"Out" I smile and walk past him downstairs

"It's late, you can't go alone"

"I'm not, Daniel's coming" I smile and stand beside Daniel facing Jonah.

"Let me go tell the others to sleep because we have a show tonight" Jonah sighs and goes upstairs

"You know, I thought he would've said no especially because you had a show a few hours ago" I laugh sitting down on the couch.

"I think he realizes, he needs to tire you out or else you'll be energetic on the bus" Daniel replies sitting next to me

"Maybe, I don't think it's kicked in yet"


"Yeah really" I look at Daniel who's looking at my once bouncing leg. I laugh a bit before stopping "that's a habit"

"When you drink redbull" he finishes

"Okay, let's go" Jonah says

"Yay!" I jump up and skip out the door

"This better not be long"

Jonah, Daniel, and I were simply walking around the block. We went a few streets down then decided it was best if we stuck by the bus. They do have many shows they need to attend.

I was spinning around and leading the two. Jonah still thinks I'm going to run into a pole, like I can see where I'm going-


"You ran into a pole didn't you?" Jonah jogs around the corner

"No" I mumble and stand up brushing myself off

"What happened?" Daniel asks

I kicked the uneven sidewalk "it tripped me"

"We should go" Jonah speaks

"Make the sidewalk say sorry first" I pout

Daniel takes notice on what Jonah was looking at in the distance. Causing his next sentence.

"Yup, c'mon y/n let's go watch a movie together" Daniel smiles pulling my sleeve gently

"Really? okay!" I chirp

Together we go back to the bus. This time I was walking out of mood because of the rude sidewalk.

"Y/n" Jonah opens the bus


"Who keeps giving you redbulls?"

"I will not say" I cross my arms after playfully locking my mouth and stepping inside the bus.

"Because they promised more redbulls?" Jonah questions

"pretty much, as long as I don't snitch" I smile

"I know it's Jack" Daniel says sorry down next to me on the couch "it's obvious"

"Mhm, how so?"

"Well Jack likes her mood when she gets redbull" Daniel continues "same thing with Zach but he's too scared to actually give her one because he gets bullied" he explains "I know it's not me even though I have no problem because I have magic skills" he pulls out his phone "and for Corbyn he doesn't have a reason" he shrugs and quickly selects a movie on his Netflix.

I politely take the phone smiling, I make sure Daniel is still able to see before focusing back to the phone.

"Jack and I are going to have a talk when he wakes up" Jonah says going upstairs

I stand up to change his mind, it's really not Jack's fault.

"Hey y/n, movie?" Daniel asks

I simply shake my head and I sit on the floor, then I lay down. "I'm tired" I yawn

"Really? Or is it to prove a point to Jonah?" He stands above me, holding his arm out.

"Well it's not going to work if you tell him" I laugh

"Okay, so movies not going to work" he sighs "how about music?"

"Ooo, I like music" I sit up and take his hand which he pulls me up with.

"Okay, sit down. I'll get my airpods" he goes upstairs and Jonah comes down.

"Don't be loud, I'm trusting Daniel" he pauses "goodnight" and he walks to his bunk

"Goodnight!" I make sure he can hear me. Meanwhile Daniel has came back from upstairs with his airpods. I have the left and he has the right.

From the softly played music and the quiet voice of Daniel. I eventually fall asleep right there on the couch. At least I'm not the only one.

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