"Aurora," He shouted loudly, and in response was greeted with a range of mumbles and low cut snores. Louis folded his arms across his chest, "You need to wake up. Aurora, it's ten o'clock. You were supposed to be awake an hour ago. They're waiting on you."

Slowly, she turned around, grey eyes barely open. "What .... time is it?"


"Shit," She cursed falling out of the bed, the mop of newly cut black hair managed to still get into her face. A groan left her lips when he funny bone bounced off the floor, but she hadn't the time to focus on that. She was still in the same outfit as yesterday and quickly took it of whilst Louis instantly turned around. "Why didn't anyone wake me?!"

"Cause you should be able to wake yourself." Louis replied in a monotone voice. "Perhaps you shouldn't of kicked your little friend out of your room."

"I didn't kick anyone out of anywhere and you know his name is Luke. I'd learn it if I was you."

She finished pulling up the handsewn dress Hestia had adjusted to fit her a week ago, sleeveless and cut around her stomach so the dress was split into two. It was a black and got darker at the dress reached the floor, and cut open around the chest area. Hestia made most of her dresses black as she thought it suited her the most. She zipped it up with the flick of her hand and ran a brush through her hair.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Louis questioned when she was half way down the hallway. She gave him a confused look and he pointed at her bare feet. She clicked her fingers and her shoes went onto her feet. She raced down the stairs with him slowly following intact to ensure she got their safe, which she thought was another ridiculous rule.

Louis jogs down the stairs after her, "Y'know, maybe if you were more organised this wouldn't happen."

"You know I really don't care what you say or think." She replied, reaching the end of the staircase and turning a corner.

Louis rolls his eyes but nonetheless still assists her outside into the gardens where she attended her daily council meetings. He stood outside and kept watch whilst she entered.

Council meetings were probably one the only things she'd come to dislike during the short time she had been ruling.

The point of them was to take an hour out of everyday -sometimes more if there was any conflict or disapproval about a topic- and discuss what was to come next in Aurora's "time of rule" as Damien called it. Basically she had to sit in the gardens and listen to what was going on with the island and give her input as to what could be improved on.

            According to Damien, it was important she attended the monotonous meetings.

She was only allowed to have four people on the council: four advisors. Anymore would have been wrong according to Damien. Naturally, the first person she asked was Luke because his opinion mattered to her more than anyone. Luke, was also intelligent in many ways and had spent the last month reading books in the Aleksander Library. Besides, even if he had not been on her council, she would end up telling him everything anyway. The second person had to be Damien, he was her mentor and his advice and training was the reason she was in the position. The third person she choose was Hestia because the girl was familiar with the island and Aurora had grown to like her. They had to be people she trusted and those three she did.

Now, naturally you'd presume Beckham would be the fourth but he refused when she asked him and claimed he "had enough council meetings for a lifetime".

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