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*Imagine Elijah thinking you aren't good enough for hope and wants you two to break up but Hope's not having it*

(I know it's WAY out of character for elijah but for the sake of the one shot)

Hope arrived back at the compound happy after hanging out with you. You were Hope's girlfriend and you made her feel things she's never felt before. Although it scared her at first, she's glad she stuck around because you were the light of her life

She skipped, yes skipped, to the kitchen to get herself a snack when she felt a presence behind her

"And where have you been?" Asked her uncle Elijah, don't get her wrong, she loved her uncle but he could get a bit overprotective at times

"I was out." She said biting a piece of the apple she was eating

"Yes I can see that, but what were you doing, while you were 'out'?" He asked knowing very well who she was with

"Look uncle 'lijah I really don't want to do this right now." She said trying to walk away from the situation but was blocked in her path

"Why not, do you not enjoy talking with me?"

"You know exactly why I don't want to talk, we've had this conversation so many times now and I'm sick of you hearing you insult my relationship that I happen to be very happy in by the way." She said once again trying to leave but getting blocked once more

"You know how I feel about her hope, I just don't understand how you cannot see it. She is bad for you. I would think it would be in your best interest to stop seeing her." He says as Hope is walking finally being able to leave but stops when she hears his 'suggestion'

"Excuse me!"

"You heard me, I j-"

"No no no, I'm gonna stop you right there." Hope said sternly starting to get agitated, "You walk around and act all high and mighty but yet here you are insulting my girlfriend which by the way is the best thing that's happened to me! You claim to want me to be happy and move on with my life while I was sad about my dad and that's exactly what I did, with her!"

Elijah stood shocked ready to speak but Hope wasn't having it.

"No don't say anything. She has made me feel like I've never felt before and makes me forget even just for a little while that I'm just some freak mistake that wasn't supposed to exist. She is the most kind, caring and beautiful person I've ever met. She gets me so much and it sucks when you claim to want me to be happy and then when I am, you go out of your way to make sure I know how much you dislike my happiness. And I will not sit here listen to you bash the one good thing in my life and pretend it's for 'my own good'."

She steps closer to him seething in rage eyes turning and teeth baring in a way he had never seen before, slightly fearing what she would do in this state but not talking

"If I ever even hear a word about her come out your mouth that isn't positive I promise you this I will make you feel a pain worse than you've ever felt before, do you understand." She said angrily and forcefully

He nodded

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go text my wonderful girlfriend."

She walked away leaving her uncle in a state of shock and fear and somewhat pride, he had never seen her stick up for herself like that.

He thought over the encounter and realized how much he was hurting hope instead of protecting her by not approving

Realizing she was right, she had never been this happy, and if it meant being with you, then so be it.

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