The Wiccan Code of Conduct

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•I will live every day in Dignity, Courage, Honor and Truth; with good humor and a gracious manner.
•I will obey the Laws of the Land as much as possible and within reason.
•I will exercise discipline in all I think, say and do; knowing the responsibility for the consequences of my thoughts, words and deeds are mine, and mine alone.
•I will pledge my friendship and loyalty to those who deserve it. Strengthening others will always strengthen myself.
•I will not condemn other religions. All people are entitled to worship in their own way; they are neither better nor worse, just different.
•When visiting another Coven, Clan or Grove, I will respect their traditions.
•I will not reveal another Witch or Coven's secrets. What is theirs to share is not mine to give away.
•I will abide by the Wiccan Rede— „Do as ye will, an it harm none."

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