Chapter Forty Seven

Start from the beginning

Walking back up to the castle, I had to keep myself from glaring at every single person who sported one of them support Diggory and Potter stinks badges. I wholeheartedly supported Cedric in the tournament but that didn't mean I didn't support Harry just as much.

Time skip a couple of weeks later. (22nd of November.)

Over the last couple of weeks, every other house but Gryffindor have been giving Harry a hard time. With all the badges that everyone had been wearing and the comments being made to Harry made him want to go into Hogsmeade. 

So on the day, we visit the village since Ron had become closer with Seamus and Dean since he and Harry had their fight he decided to go with them. 

Hermione and I decided to go with Harry but much to our annoyance he had opted to where his invisibility cloak so that he couldn't be seen and ridiculed by the rest of the school. 

We all enter the Three Broomsticks and Hermione and I head to a table and sat down. Soon enough Hagrid and Professor Moody had entered and Moody looked around the place before his eyes zeroed in on where Hermione and I to others were sitting alone. 

But when Moody's glass eye zeros in on where Harry was seated he smirked in amusement. Together he and Hagrid came over and had a conversation with us before leaving our table. 

Soon the three of us sauntered back up to the castle the three of us having had enough of being in Hogsmead. Reason number one is that my throat was starting to get that irritation in the back which meant I was thirsty. 

Reason number two is that Harry wanted to go back up to the castle since all of the students were in Hogsmead. 

After our conversation with Moody, Harry had decided to take off his invisibility cloak. So, when the rest of the students saw him they once again bullied him. Hence why Harry wanted to get back up to the castle. 

When we got to the castle I saw McGonigal walking up to the three of us. ''Miss Weasley, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office,'' McGonigal tells me. ''Is this about the spellbook I found in the Library?'' I ask her. 

She nods her head at me. I have still yet to tell Carlisle, Esme and the others about the book. Just like they still have yet to take me out and test my vampire abilities. 

I look at Harry and Hermione and tell them I will see them in the Common Room after I was finished so that we could do our homework. They both nodded and smiled at before they turned around and started walking the direction of Gryffindor Tower. 

I turn back to McGonigal and smiled at her. ''Would you be sitting in on this meeting like the first?'' I ask her. She nods at me before turning around and leading the way only looking back to make sure I was following her.

Soon enough, when we had gotten to Dumbledore's office, she had opened the door and stepped to the side letting me enter before she entered herself. ''Ah, Miss Weasley how are you?'' Professor Dumbledore asks me. 

I smile at headmaster sitting behind his desk. ''I'm fine sir. That Goblet you enchanted for me helps a lot, thank you,'' I thank him. He smiles at me before getting up from his chair and walking around to lean on the side of his desk. 

''Now Miss Weasley I am sure you are wondering what fuss has been all about regarding this book,'' Dumbledore tells me tapping the book on his desk. I look at the book for a moment before looking at Dumbledore. 

''Yes,'' I tell him. He nods his head. ''Well to start off with I have confirmed that it is the Grimoire of the Riveriona Vixen coven. Now, this coven was filled with powerful witches'' Dumbledore tells me. ''What happened to them?'' I ask him. 

Dumbledore shares a hesitant look with McGonigal before looking back at me. ''No one knows,'' he tells me. I can see the lie in his eyes, but I knew that if he weren't telling me, it would have been for a good reason. 

''The Grimoire has been lost for centuries and no one has ever seen it until this day,'' Dumbledore tells me. I look at the Grimoire in confusion before looking back at Dumbledore. 

''Then why did it show it's self to me?'' I ask him. ''We don't know?'' McGonigal tells me. ''All we do know is that anyone who tries to read the book would only see blank pages unless you grant them permission,'' Dumbledore tells me. 

''For whatever reason it chose you, it is yours now, not the schools,'' Dumbledore tells me handing me the book. I take the book from him and look down at it before looking back up to Dumbledore. 

''Only tell those you trust that you have it. The Weasley's, the Cullens, Miss Granger and Mr Potter,'' Dumbledore tells me. I nod my head looking at the book once again. 

''Is there anything else you need to talk to me about?'' I ask him. ''No, you may go,'' he tells me. I nod my head before getting up and turning around to leave. 

Third Person's Point of View.

Once Allison had left McGonigal turns to face Dumbledore. ''You don't think the girl deserves to know that by being the owner of that book she is placed in danger?'' McGonigal asks him. 

''Telling her will only make her panic and worry. Right now she doesn't need all that. When I decide that it is the right time to tell her I will tell her,'' Dumbledore tells her. 

By the tone in his voice, McGonigal knew that there was nothing she can do to convince him otherwise. 

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