Ch.#2: Acquaintances

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{Sebastian's POV}

I still was fast asleep not knowing what time it had been. Bryson my naive younger brother quickly ran into my room, school started in 10 minutes...

"Sebastian! Wake up! We're going to be late!"

Bryson had said trying to be quick and loud enough so I could hear him.. I groaned

"Five more minutes.."

Bryson sighed

"No Five more minutes jazz! School starts in 10 minutes!"

Bryson said irritated


I replied, as he falls out of his bed.

"Yeah! Hurry up! You slept in! AGAIN."

Bryson explained

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

I replied, quickly getting up

"You better hurry up!"

Bryson warned, he then left my room.
I had gotten up and packed my things, I grabbed my glasses and classic beanie. I puts them on and headed out of my room, I went out to the kitchen in hopes of getting something small to eat. Bryson walks over sighing, as he grabs my paw yanking me outside.

"Hey! Ow! Stop!"

I whined

"Nope! We're going to be late! It's only your fault you can't eat breakfast!"

I continue to whine at my younger brother's words.

"But I'm hungry.."

I claimed

"Well the only one to blame is yourself!"

I sighed, remaining silent
We had finally left off to school, my younger brother was rushing us. We had eventually made it to school and right as we walked in the bell her rang, Bryson had immediately sprinted off to his class leaving me in the halls alone..
The Late Bell Rings

"Ah Crap! I'm late..!"

I quickly rushed out to my class before bumping into another student, I instantly fell to the ground dropping all my belongings on the school halls ground.. (bummer..)
A Young male with silky white hair turned around and notices me, he immediately kneeled down to help me up and to gather up my belongings.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!"

Ethan apologised

"N-No.. it's okay..!"

I claimed

"Are you hurt??"

Ethan questioned, he was very concerned..

"No no.. I'm okay I promise!"

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