Chapter Forty-Six.

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September 7th, 2016

James' Point-of-view.

The previous night, Cary had surprised more than anyone ever had in my life.
Just as the sky opened above us, and released a storm, just like the one that thundered inside her heart. I heard her voice call out my name, and it sounded like the perfect song, but the biggest surprise came when she ran through the rain to me and kissed me. Every kiss we shared was perfect, she always managed to taste of burnt sugar, rum, and a bit of honey. It had become my favourite taste in the world, everything about Cary had become my favourite thing in the universe.
The way she walked, the way she talked, her laugh, her smile. The way she sang without a care in the world, and the way she danced like no one was watching.

As the rain pounded on the surrounding ground, and the sky erupted into thunder and bright lightning. I watched the ocean in the eyes as I told her I loved her, I held my hand over her heart and felt it thunder as it didn't skip a beat when she told me she loved me. I held her delicate, beautiful and fragile face in my hand and rubbed my thumb on her cheek as I promised to never hurt her again. Most of all, I felt my heart stop and my breathing hitch when she caught me completely off guard and asked me to run towards love with her.

At that moment, I would have run to the ends of the earth with her, but when I asked her what she wanted to do, her answer was plain and simple, something so innocent and pure, something so Cary. All she wanted to do was take my hand, stand in the rain, and watch the storm unfold in front of us. Of course, I agreed, I would agree to everything and anything Cary asked me to do, so if the girl I was in love with wanted to stand under a thunderstorm, I would make sure I was holding her hand.

It was just after 1AM when Cary and I said our goodbyes, and went our separate ways. It was a brand-new day and a brand-new start for us. If Cary and I were going to run towards love together, I couldn't wait to see what time had in store for us.

On Thursday morning, I woke to the feeling of someone jumping onto my bed beside me. My first thought was that it was Cary, my automatic reaction was to roll over and cuddle into her, when I wrapped my arms around the body next to mine, I quickly realized it wasn't Cary. For one, there was no hair in my face, the body was far too muscled and the legs were too long, but what tipped me off the most was when the person next to me finally spoke.

"Oh, darling brother. This is so nice, we haven't cuddled like this since we were children." A very familiar voice said from beside me.

I quickly let go and jumped up, I looked over to see Austin lying on my bed. When I looked at the clock on the bedside table and noticed it was only 9:30AM. I didn't start work until 1PM, so this was far too early to be up.

"Austin, what the hell are you doing here? It's 9:30 in the morning. Why aren't you at Alex's?" I questioned, while running my hands through my hair.

"Well, you see, dearest brother. I have work today at 12:30PM. So, I decided to come home and unpack all my things beforehand, and I can just go straight from here." He said while sitting up.

"Wait, unpack? Are you coming home?" I asked, trying not to show how hopeful I was. He had only been gone since Sunday, and yesterday was the first time we'd properly spoken since the dinner on Monday.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I missed having my little brother around." He said before rustling my hair.
"Plus, I realized I was probably overreacting by moving out so suddenly. I mean, Cary forgave you, I suppose I should too."

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