Chapter Thirty-Four.

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September 1st, 2016.

On Friday, I was woken up on suddenly from my peaceful dream filled sleep, when I was shoved out of my bed, and hit the ground with a thump

"Ouch. What the fuck, man." I said, while sitting up and rubbing the back of my head. I looked at Charlie, face down on my bed, completely, spread out.
"Dude, get up." I said, kicking him in the side.

Charlie quickly, jumped awake, and sat up, running his hands over his face and through his hair.

"I'm up, I'm up. What time is it?" He asked, before looking down at me on the ground.
"Why are you on the floor?"

"Because you shoved me off my bed, you dumbass." I said while standing up and lifting my phone.
"It's almost 2PM. Do you want coffee?" I said, pointing at my clock.

"Coffee sounds great." He agreed, while standing up and stretching.

Once we were both dressed, and had gone to the bathroom, we went downstairs to start our day. Charlie took a seat at the table, while I grabbed two cups, and the coffee pot, before sitting down across from him, and handing him a cup. We sat in silence as we let the coffee electrify our system's before we started working on another song, for Josie.

"So, I think I have a song we can work on." Charlie said, making me look up at him.
"Taylor Swift, Wildest dreams."

That would actually be perfect. We could slow it down, make it sad, and give it a gothic feel." I said with a smile.

When we finished our coffee, we made our way into the living-room and took our seats on the floor with the keyboard between us. Charlie began to the tune, but in minor chords and alot slower, before I started singing. We spent the next few hours working on our version of the song, and when we were done, we decided to ask everyone to get dinner together. That way we could figure out what we were doing the next day, for the video.

Super-Squad Group-chat.

Squad dinner?
Josie needs to pick a song, and we need to figure out exactly what we are doing tomorrow.

Dinner at mine?

Charlie and I are in.

James and I are in.

I'm in.

Sounds great.
I'll walk over shortly.

I'll walk to your house Lyds, then we can walk to Josie's together.

I'll be there.

Same here.
Alex, I'll pick you up.

Everyone be here for 6PM.

Eli. You can come with me and Charlie.

When I looked at the clock, it was nearly 5PM, and I decided I needed to shower. Charlie decided he was going to he was going to get Eli to come over and hang out with him, while I got ready.
After I let Eli in, he and Charlie got comfortable on the sofa, watching South Park while I went and got ready.

After I showered, I blow-dried my hair, and put it into two space buns on at the top of my head. I decided to be makeup free for the day, so I made my way to my wardrobe and slipped on a pair of black hipster underwear, and a black sports bra. I pulled out an oversized, off the shoulder, plain white t-shirt, with black high-waisted leggings, paired with a pair of black and red Jordan's, before grabbing my phone, my purse, and my cigarettes. After I put everything in my bag, I lifted my keys, and hung the lanyard they were on around my neck.
Once I was ready, I ran down the stairs and into the living-room to see Eli and Charlie, wrestling each other on the floor while Charlie sang the Kyle's mom song from South Park, except he replaced Kyle with Eli.

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