Chapter Thirty-Five.

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September 2nd, 2016.

On Saturday morning, I was pulled out of my sleep by my alarm blaring loudly on my bedside table. Meaning it was 10AM and time for me to get up and get ready for a day of singing, outfit changes, and dancing for Josie's music video.
Last night, inspiration started flowing, and I ended up rewriting a song that I loved, I had taken Lucy Hale's Sound good to me, and turned it into a rock-pop anthem. I shared it with Josie, and she fell in love with it, so Charlie and I were up until 1AM working on it.

I slowly climbed out of bed, and made my way towards my shower, I was under strict instructions from Lydia to arrive bare faced, with straight hair. Lexi had insisted I wear clothes that were easy to remove.
After my shower, I dried and straightened my hair, I moisturized my face like always before walking to my wardrobe. I picked out a matching red lace set, before slipping into a pair of leggings and an oversized jumper. Once I was ready, I looked at the clock to see that it was 10:45AM, so I grabbed my phone and bag, and rushed downstairs.

On my way down the stairs, I text the group-chat to let everyone know that I was up and ready for today, just like everyone else. When I reached the kitchen, I was greeted by my mother, standing making pancakes.

"Yummy, pancakes." I said, as I skipped over to the coffee pot, and began filling a cup.

"Well, I know you have a long day ahead of you, I thought a big breakfast would be nice." My mom said with a smile, as she walked to the kitchen table with two plates.

I took a seat opposite my mum and set to work eating the mountain of pancakes and maple syrup. My mum and I spent the next hour talking about her week at work, and my week, we talked about what we both were doing today, and talked about random things in general. By the time I had finished my breakfast, and everything had been cleaned up, it was nearly 11:50AM, which meant it was time for me to leave. I kissed my mom on the cheek and said goodbye, before making my way out of the house and to my car.

Eli had text me last night to tell me he would to the track early to make sure the hall was clean and that the stage was set up and ready for us. I drove to the dirt-track and arrived just after 12PM, to see Lexi, Alex, and Charlie arriving at the same time. We all greeted each other and walked in together, Josie, Adam, Lydia, Eli, Austin, and James were already inside waiting for us. Josie, Alex, and Adam set to work setting up the sound-boards, lighting fixtures, camera's and microphones. James and Austin were doing a sound check on their guitars, Charlie was setting up his keyboard, and Eli was setting up a drum kit. Lydia was setting up a small table with make-up and hair accessories. Lexi was lying outfits out on the stage.
Eli had informed us that his boss was having family issues, so he closed the entire place, and had given us permission to use every inch of the place.

"Cary, Josie, come look at these outfits." Lexi said, waving us over, I linked my arm with Josie's, and we both made our way over where Lexi was standing, and we looked at the outfits she had brought.
"Since I wasn't sure what kind of song it was going to be, I brought a range of my bright happy clothes, and some of Cary's sad, dark clothes." She said, looking between me and Josie.

"How did you get my clothes?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her.

"That, is irrelevant." Lexi said with a bright smile.

"Okay, definitely not bright yellow, or pink, or baby blue." Josie said, pointing to three of Lexi's outfits.
"And it's not a My Chemical Romance reunion, so that is definitely not an option." She said, looking at one of my outfits.

We continued to look over the rest of the selection, before Josie decided we should use two different outfits, since we would be shooting inside and outside. I pointed at two of the options from my wardrobe, before looking at Josie.

Not Exactly The Fairy Tale Kind.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz