Chapter 10: Rise of the Knight

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Team EJEA's dorm, 10:30 pm

Ezio: Jaune is being black mailed?

Evie: Well it's either that or he decided to do Cardin's dirty work for fun.

Jacob: Can't we just kick his ass then?

Aveline: No. If we do, he's going to cry running to Ozpin and thus making Jaune expelled.

Jacob: What can we do then?

Ezio: Nothing.

Everyone: What?!

Ezio: He's not part of our mission.

Evie: Who cares? He's our friend.

Ezio: I'm not saying he's not, but we can't be distracted. Remember, we're suppose to be Ozpin's eyes and ears. So,  as long as there is no definitive solution to this, we can't do anything. I'm sorry.

Evie: *sighs* ...Fine.


Beacon Hallway, 10:40 pm

Jaune was sitting in the corridor, tired and more down than ever. Suddenly, his train of thought was interrupted. 

Ruby: Hey, Jaune!

Jaune looked up to (unsurprisingly) see Ruby standing in front of him in her pyjamas. 

Ruby: Long time, no see! So! Where have you been lately?

Jaune: I, uh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have, and now Cardin has me on a leash, and Pyrrha won't even talk to me, and... 'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea. I'm a failure.

Ruby: Nope!

Jaune: "Nope"?

Ruby: Nope! You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: But... what if I'm a failure at being a leader?

Ruby: Hmm... nope!

Jaune: You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff.

Ruby: Nope! Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid, but you can't be one now. You know why?

Jaune: Why?

Ruby: Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now, Jaune. We both do! And if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us. Your team deserves a great leader, Jaune. And I think that can be you. Good night Jaune.

She walked back to the door of her dorm and disappeared behind them. Jaune stood up, confident he can now confront his team, only to receive a message from Cardin to get a wasp nest. With a sad face, he lowered his hand from the door knob, and left. 


Forever Falls, the next day, 2:50 pm

Teams EJEA, RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL were led by Glynda through the beautiful forest of Forever Falls. Eventually they stopped.

Glynda: Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!

All teams checked their equipment and shared the jars with one another, all except team Cardin, who gave all their jars to Jaune.  

Cardin: Come on, buddy - let's go!

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