Chapter 2: Newbie #2

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" Huh?" Maki, Iris and I said

" You are cute really, such a shame that you looked down on my knightly doings" Arthur said

" Who" I asked

" You m'lady" Arthur said as I looked down at the ground

" Aw you messed up" Shinra said

" What do you mean" Arthur asked as I glared at him

" GO GET HIM GUTTER" I yelled as the fireball went after Arthur but a blue beam came from the sword and cut my gutter in half

" You think that's enough to stop him" I said as the slice ball became two Gutter's

" W-what the hell" Arthur said


" Hey, what's going on" Hinawa asked as me and Maki stood next to each other saluting with Shinra in front of us

" Lieutenant Hinawa" Maki and I said

" Ugh would you stop it" Maki and I said as we both just huffed and looked the other way

" We've just met the new recruit, Arthur" Maki said

" It turns out that he and Shinra went to the same academy" I said as Hinawa poured coffee on sputter and then glared at me

" Ok ok" I said as the two gutter's went out

" Fire Soldiers don't play with fire" Hinawa said

" Right....." Maki said

" G-got it" I said as he taped up the little picnic we were having

" So you're Arthur Boyle" Hinawa asked

" Sure am, glad to be working with you" Arthur said

" Come on, man you heard them call him lieutenant, right" Shinra asked

" We all stand as equals before the round table, he needn't bow" Arthur said

" Says the lowest rank soldier in this crew" Hinawa said as I held my mouth as I laughed a little

" Latom" Iris said

" Whatever" Arthur said as I burst out laughing as the others looked dumbfounded not expecting him to say that

" The rookie games are coming up, I want to see what you got in advance" Hinawa said

" Now Maki, you take on Shinra and Jaye you take on Arthur" Hinawa said as Maki groaned and I smiled

" Gladly" I said smirking

" You lead off Shinra" Hinawa said as me and Maki tied the top of our jumpsuits to out waist

" Are we supposed to fight for real" Shinra asked

" Well if you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you do" I said

" Ok I am ready to begin when you are" Maki and I said as she pointed her left fist our as I did my right

" UGH STOP COPYING ME" I yelled as Maki sticked her tongue out

" Are you two twins or something" Arthur asked

" No we're not" I said

" Let's go pretty boy" I said as Arthur chuckled and grabbed his sword

" Not so fast" I said as I appeared behind him

" W-what how in th-" Arthur said as I punched him in his chin

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