First Day At Contemprarry Dance Class

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"Riiiiiiiiiiiing! Riiiiiiing!" The school bell rang. And I new what it meant, it meant that school was over and I had dance. I raced to the pickup place with my back pack. When I got their my mom was not their. "We're is my mom?" I wondered. Since my mom was not here yet I sat down with my best friend Hanna. Hanna was a ballet dancer. She had been dancing since she was 2. "Hanna I have some exiting news." I say to Hanna as I sit down next to her. "What is the news? Have you decided to do ballet?" Hanna asks me. "No, but similar. I am going to take contemporary dance classes and today is my first day!" I say with excitement.  "Good for you! But, what is contemporary dance? I have never herd of it before." "I think it's a dance that has modern Lyrical and Classic Ballet...... but I'm not so sure. Something like that." I answer. I saw my mom walking up the steps for the Adults that do not arrive in cars. "Oh Hanna I have to go. My mom is here." Hanna looked over and saw my mom. "Ok, bye Shona! Good luck at your first dance class." I give a quick wave as a goodbye and walk to my mom. "Hey Shona! How was school?" My mom asked me. "Good. But when does dance start?" I ask. "It starts in 30 minutes so we're gonna go home and get you changed and then we are gonna head to dance."  My mom answers. 

When we get home I head to my room and change into my black tank top and black sparkly leggings

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When we get home I head to my room and change into my black tank top and black sparkly leggings. The dress code was black to I had to we're black. But I would love to we're my white fluffy sweeter. When I was done getting dressed I got in the car and my mom handed me a snack and some water. I had gold fish with some strawberries. "Shona eat your snack in the car. You can not eat it in the studio." My mom said. "Ok."

15 minutes later we arrived at a small two story building. I expected the dance studio to be big with giant windows and a big sign at the entrance, I was not expecting a small building that only had one studio on the second floor. 
"Hello my daughter is here for the contemporary dance class for kindergarteners." My mom said when we got to the front desk.  "Ok, she will be in studio three within just right down there." The woman at the front desk said to my mom.
We walked over to a small studio that said "studio three". "Bye Shona, hope you have fun! And remember to drink lots of water!" "I will!" I said back to my mom as I stepped inside.

"Mom I love contemporary dance class! It's so fun! And my teacher is so nice." I said when class was over. "Glad you liked it! I need to stop at the store t9 get some food so you will have to come with me." My mom said. "Aww ok." I did not enjoy going to the store because it was cold in their.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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