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    Charlie sighed as Alastor took away the portal. "Al, did you let this happen?" Alastor blinked, he then shook his head. "It just happened one day..."
    Charlie gazed into nothingness for a bit.    
    "Well maybe we can, I don't know, attack Vox somehow and restore your powers?" Alastor looked down on her as if she was crazy.
    "Charlie my dear, if it was that simple I'd have my powers back already," That's what Vox proabably wants! Alastor to fight him, but why?
    "Hey Al, why is Vox doing this anyway?"
    "Vox and I had been rivals for a long time already..." he paused. Charlie then noticed that Alastor didn't want to talk about it.
    "Well, why don't we go inside. It's getting a bit cold out," Alastor nodded and the two went back into the hotel.
    "Charlie!" Veggie's voice rang out. Charlie ran over to her and called out, "What?" She relized that everyone (even Husk) was gathered around the tv.
    "You know the Overlord Vox right? Well he's attacking this territory along with Sir Pentious!" She paused, "And Vox has learned Alastor's abbilitys! And if Alastor lost his abilities then-"
    Charlie then noticed Alastor standing right behind them.
    "My dear, may I speak with you in private?" Charlie swallowed, but agreed.  
    Alastor took them upstairs and glared at her. "Charlie! Did you just expose my secret?" he remaind calm.
    "Al, I'm so sorry, I just couldn't hide it when everyone was at my legs!" Charlie nervously backed away. "...and coincadently Sir Pentious was listianing from outside the hotel wall so he know's now-"
    "Great now my rivals both know, lovely." Alastor inturupted her. You don't know how sorry I am Al, you really don't...
    "Al please, I'm-"
    "Don't say another word." Alastor snapped as he began to walk away. Charlie came after him but Alastor didn't even look at her. She stopped walking and just mumbled, "Al..." It was a mistake, does he really need to be this way? Tears began to drip from her eyes. Why does he not want to share these types of things anyway?

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