'It looks like you're going to have to get out of here then.' I sarcastically remark. I would much rather he doesn't leave, but we need to leave in an hour and a half for this 10am interview.

'I will get out.' He shoots back with a grin. I blow him a sarcastic kiss, and he catches it in the air, and slips it into the pocket of his sweats. 'See you later Brophie.' He smiles, strolling out of the room and closing the door. Brophie? What the hell?

'Get back in here Harry!' I shout, while practically speed walking out of the door to catch up to him. When I finally reach him, he's nearly at the elevator.

'Harry! Turn around! Should I just call you Barry now?' This whole situation is amusing me, but where on earth did Brophie come from?

Finally, he turns around once we're both standing at the door of the elevator. I'm still in my pyjamas and Harry is in his clothes from last night. I think I might be acting like some crazed fan, barefoot chasing after him in the hallway like this.

'Brophie, because you're my bro.' He says with a smirk. It's a strange moment to think it, but I love him so much. I'm not sure if it's his smirk or his new spin on my name or his accent or just his presence, but I just really love him. Always have and always will.

He snaps me out of my trance by kissing me. He puts so much love into it that I never want to pull away, but the opening of the elevator doors beside us cuts my thoughts short.

'Oh my fucking god. I knew it!' Shit. I know that voice. It's Charlotte. So much for keeping this to ourselves. I look up beside me to see Harry, who's got a very nervous smile on his face. How do I even explain this?

'I was going to come up and ask if you're free to come to lunch with Mitch and I today, but it looks like you're otherwise occupied.' This is so embarrassing.

'No..well, I am..free. Harry has an interview but..we'll..I'll be free by 11.' I can't even get the words out. This is not what was supposed to happen.

'This is so funny..oh my god Mitch and Adam are going to win that fucking bet! Meet us in the lobby at 12 and I'll find somewhere to go. Bring Harry too. There's a lot we need to discuss.' She is full on grinning now. This is so awkward, and I haven't even told Harry about the bet. It wasn't like I was hiding it from him, but how was I supposed to tell my boss that there's bets on when we're getting together?

With that, she closes the elevator doors and disappears.

'Is there a bet? What bet is she talking about?' He queries.

'Oh..well..they..they placed bets on when they thought we would..get together.' I sheepishly say. Everything was going so well, and I can't handle the idea of Harry being upset at me for not telling him.

'And Mitch too? That ass!' He laughs, and I'm so glad he's not upset.

Once Harry leaves for his room, I walk back to mine in a Harry fueled daze. I haven't even had time to process everything that he said to me last night. Harry makes it so easy to fall in love with him, he never had to try and my heart was his from the day I met him. His hold grew every moment I spent with him, and it was so tight that it started sinking me. I guess that every part of his heart and mind are so attractive, it was so easy to be drawn to him, even when I did everything I could to pretend I wasn't. I have spent the last 4 years living my life never feeling fully whole, but trying to fill the empty places with other people and other distractions, and now I'm full for the first time.


'Sophie! Harry! How was the radio show?' Charlotte excitedly asks, with Mitch standing very close beside her. Is this what I think it is? Luckily Charlotte's big mouth hasn't spilled anything about this morning yet, but who knows if she's already told Mitch.

'It was pretty good, the Australian radio shows are always better than most.' Harry says, smiling. It hits me at this moment that the Harry I've seen in the last few days pales compared to the Harry beside me now. I didn't notice it at the time, but his face was shadowed in a hidden pain that I was too broken to pick up on. His body is full of life again, and I want to grab him and hold him to me forever.

Before long, Charlotte links her arm through mine and pulls us to walk in front of the boys on our way to the car she must have organised. Charlotte seems to have a knack for organising transport.

'So..you and Harry! What is that all about?' She asks, gleaming at the idea of this juicy gossip.

'I..well honestly, I don't know. It sort of just happened last night.' I love Charlotte and I know she would never judge me, but I want to keep the rest of the story for just me and Harry to know. There's so much of Harry's life that is broadcasted and photographed and reported on, and I want this little piece of it to just stay with him and I.

'Wow! I guess I saw this coming, but I didn't think so soon! Honestly, I'm happy for you. You two always make eachother so happy. Do you know what this means for you two work-wise?' Charlotte is being so supportive, and I'm so glad she is so kind and understanding. I already know when people start finding out there's going to be backlash, but I'm glad Charlotte doesn't feel that way.

'Thank you! That really means a lot. I've thought about it a lot and I don't know. I guess I just want to focus on now and not worry about what this means for us professionally, you know? Anyway, enough about me. How are you?'

'I get that. I'm sure it will all fall into place. And I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Now you're the relationship expert and all.' Charlotte is always so confident, and her sudden response with the hint of nervousness tells me that this is serious.

'Of course, anything you want.' I respond. We've made it to the car now, and I can tell she doesn't want to say anything in front of the boys, or she wouldn't have spoken so quietly.

'Tell me later.' I smile at her.

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