Entry 1.

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Entry 1.      January 30, 2760

Dear Diary,

Today I've done nothing but sneak. I've had to steal the crops that were growing beside my house. Hopefully Lady Bonnibelle won't notice.

I've learned that I must keep the curtains closed at all times. I was almost spotted by Lord Agidius, and that couldn't have lead to anything good. That reminds me, I should probably switch houses. The windows are far too big, and Lady Aramina has been keeping a very close eye on this house, strangely enough.

There have been a lot of deer around, thankfully. It makes it easier to hunt without being caught, and they've been chalking it up to bears. I can't find any water sources around, I have to stick to sink water from the bathroom in this place. The bathroom is the only place her without windows, but the sink is really loud. I should probably move to my neighbour Lawliet's house, she's always had really quiet running water.

I wonder why they took all the mirrors, too? They left all the other household items but took the mirrors. Could it be a mistake? Does it mean something? I wonder what I look like. I forgot. Where did I last put my phone?

I killed a chicken today. Only a chicken, only one. It was fairly small, but at least I get to eat something. I could only grab one because Lady Bonnibelle was nearby. She seems to scout this area a lot. Have they heard me yet?

It's getting harder to sleep. Lady Elenora tends to walk through our house a lot so I always have to dart under the bed. I hope she never hears my loud thunks. Which reminds me, why do they do that anyway? Are they taking in the memories or what? I didn't get much sleep last night, Lady Elenora was looking around a lot. It was weird. Is she looking for something?

It's really lonely, and I've been hearing voices. I can't tell if those are hallucinations or I can hear them talking.

I have to cut this letter short now. I can hear Lady Aramina's rattling. I'll write again soon.

Sincerely, Dorothy Brown

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