Chapter 17: Thoughts of a Man

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Dedicated to Akvcao! For reminding me to update. 

Thanks lovely. :*


Chapter 17: Thoughts of a Man 

*Luke's POV* 


She was acting differently right after my not so good confession. I meant I understood (probably, girls are hormonal creatures after all!) how she felt. If she told me the same thing, I would probably be mad at her too.  

So that's the reason why I'm here on the afternoon the day after my not-so-good confession, outside the building of her workplace to visit her and ask her on a date and to officially ask permission for us to start all over again, and this time, I would demand to know all the things that she is hiding from me to avoid the surprises that she often present to me. 

I walk right in with almost no trouble since almost all the staff recognized me, but of course, I would receive weird and curious looks from others since I don't work here, and I'm guessing that they really know each other here. I see Audrey's assistant fixing a cup of coffee, and I walk right towards her. 

"Good morning Emily," I smile as a form of greeting.  

She turns and gives me a smile as well, "Good morning Sir. Is there anything that you need here today?" she asks while walking towards her table right outside Audrey's door. 

"Is she in?" I turn my head towards the door for her to know who I was referring to.  

She shakes her head, "I'm afraid not sir. I'm quite worried myself. She usually calls in the morning when she is not going to go in the office or when she has something on her calendar that is scheduled outside the office."  

I frown as if digesting this information.  

Where could that woman be? 

I was about to say something when the ringing of my phone disturbs my train of thought. I look at the screen and see that it was Anna, Drew's fiancée, who was calling. Damn, I forgot about the tea that was going to be held at her parent's house.  

I quickly answer the phone, "hello Anna?" 

"Luke! Thank goodness you answered. You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago!" She rattled on the phone. I sigh inwardly. Drew is going to kill me. 

"I'm so sorry Anna. I just lost track of time. I'll be there to discuss the wedding preparations with you promise. Give me ten minutes." I say gently to make her relax. 

She sighs deep, "Okay Luke. Don't be late again alright?"  


"Okay! That's a wrap. Lets's continue this planning next week again," Mrs. Harper, Anna's mother, announced as we finish the planning for the wedding.  

I quickly fix all of my things in hopes that it isn't too late for me to go to Audrey's house and invite her for dinner. She wasn't answering any of my calls so she probably is busy or she forgot to charge it again, as always happens when we were younger.  

As I bade my goodbyes to my brothers future in-laws, Anna approached me and said, "When are you going home to Brokenshire Luke?" 

I remembered that I was supposed to go home next week as for my mother not to miss me so much, and besides, I still have work to do at home, especially that new office we were setting up in Cobalton.  

How bout Audrey?  

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. 

"Next Week Ann. When was the planned date for you wedding again?" I say while I turn around to look at her. 

"Oh, perfect! My wedding will be held in two weeks time alright? You have to come back here. Or else!" She laughs merrily. I smile at her. 

"Don't worry Anna. I'll be here promise." I look at my watch and say, "I'm sorry Ann, I have to go. Catch you soon alright?" I kiss her cheek while waving back. 


I arrive at Audrey's mansion no later than eight in th evening.  

If she had dinner already, I'll just invite her to a drink. 

I've been so giddy ever since she started talking and being friends with me again. I was planning to court her all over again. God, that girl has me so whipped.  

I walk towards her front door and ring the doorbell. I wait and ring it again after a minute. Why was I so restless?  

The door opens and I see Sylvia looking at me suspiciously. She must have recognized me as her face softens into a smile. 

"I'm afraid you just missed Miss Audrey, sir" She says in a gentle tone. 

"Oh" Damn. "Could I just leave a message then for her when she comes back?" 

She looks at me surprisingly. "Sir she left. As in she does not live here anymore. She went to live with her grandmother."  

Why does she never mentions these things? And then it struck me 

"Wow. This house is huge and fully equipped." I say in amazement.  

She giggled, "I know. That's what I thought too when my grandma showed me this house. It's a shame though." She finished with a sigh.  

We were now in the kitchen and her housekeeper was informed that we were going to eat lunch so to wait we headed to the family room to pass some time while relaxing. 

"Why is it a shame?" I ask curiously, not quite understanding what she meant by the last part.  

"I won't be staying here." 

"Do you know where she lives now?" 

She shakes her head, "I'm afraid not sir. Miss Audrey was just told that she was going to leave last night by Sir Christian, so she packed her things the whole day and left just about two hours ago. " 

"Thank you Sylvia. Good night."I quickly turn around and went inside my car.  

What am I supposed to do.  

She was opening up just yesterday. 

Fuck! We even kissed yesterday.  

The thought of that kiss brought so many memories of our past.  

God, I miss her already.




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