A Not So Simple Robbery

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Lacau hurried Ms. Wilkes-Emberly and the O'Connells out the door, wishing them a good day. It took all the control he could muster to keep himself from running back to his office and his new acquisition. 

He sat at his desk and with avaricious eyes laid out the jewels one by one. He could not believe his good fortune—he was hearing rumors of empty jewel boxes being found by Carter, their contents stolen long ago. Here was a treasure trove of Pharaonic jewels, the likes of never having been seen before, of exquisite workmanship, possibly even having been worn by their previous owners. Though the public would wonder at the items being removed from Tutankhamen's tomb, these would rival them, especially the diadem. No one previously had recovered a pharaoh's crown.

Outside of the museum, Roma breathed a sigh of relief. "I hope I never see those jewels again. I think they cost Father his life." She squeezed Ardeth's fingers for reassurance, "I want to go home now, I don't know why I feel so tired."

They flagged down one of Cairo's black taxis and directed the driver to take them to her house. She would not let Rick pay, but as was her habit overpaid the driver.

She looked at Rick, "I know what you are thinking, but you are wrong. I know many of the taxi drivers in Cairo and get the best service because I pay them too much. It only costs me a little but they don't make much money and they appreciate it—and therefore never try to rob me."

The servants were outside looking apprehensive and frightened. Busa rushed forward, "Oh missy, men come, bad men, so we run away. When we come back, we see what they did to your house and it scared us. They were awful men."

Rick O'Connell looked at Ardeth, "Come with me, you two," he pointed at Evelyn and Roma, "Stay out here until we check it out."

Roma and Evelyn intertwined their fingers and followed, refusing to be left behind, Busa trailing them refusing to leave her beloved Roma. "Oh no," breathed Roma as they entered the villa, dismayed at the sight that met her eyes.

The robbers' work had been done in haste, in their hurry, they had knocked over furniture and slashed cushions looking for something they could not find. Rugs had been pulled up and some floor tiles were chipped, revealing where the vandals had attempted to pry them up, looking for an empty cavity beneath.

Rick looked at the women, "Didn't I tell you to wait?" Ardeth shook his head.

Busa was wailing and Roma put her arm around the old woman's shoulders to comfort her. "Don't worry, they only destroyed the furniture, that is easily replaceable, what is important is that none of you were hurt."

They searched the rest of the house, finding similar carnage, for some reason the robbers had slashed the bolsters but left the mattresses and coverings intact. The beds were heavy and only partially pulled from the walls.

"Were they looking for the jewels?" Evelyn looked at Roma, then at Rick, "What was the point of tearing things apart, if not for the jewels."

The doors to her father's armoire were hanging open, the contents of the two drawers lay on the floor. Roma covered her mouth, exhaling air through open fingers.

"I can think of one thing, Father's papers, but the bulk are in his office at Oxford for safekeeping. If they knew about the jewels...but how could they know unless someone told them? Everyone knew I planned all along to turn them over to the Egyptian Museum. Oh god, our house in Luxor, I've got to call the police there and have them check the house."

She ran to the phone, half expecting to see it pulled out of the wall but the cord was still in place. She began speaking in rapid Arabic, her voice rising in pitch as she grew more distressed. At last, she hung up and sighed.

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