Death of a Pharaoh

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Sitamun lay in her husband's arms, exhausted from his vigorous lovemaking. His plans had lit a fire within him and heedless of the life his wife carried within her he had her again and again.

Now the love talk he whispered in her shell-like ear changed and he began talking of his plans. He would kill the Pharaoh in the Temple of a Million Years in front of the gathered crowd. He would slit Ramesses throat and then the throat of his half-brother. The people were tired of the ruler who had spent the country's wealth in his wars; he, Pentaweret, would give them the peace and prosperity they so longed for. His mother was right, the nobles would flock to his side and demand that the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt be placed on his head.

Sitamun was frightened by his talk. The stakes were high. If his plans succeeded, she would be queen of Egypt. If not, what would be her fate?

Traitors would find themselves burned at the stake. Tiye would not be spared for her part in the pharaoh's assassination. The nobles who had sided with them would be lucky if they were allowed to commit suicide and escape death by fire.

What would be her fate, the wife of the traitor? Would she be allowed to live because of the baby she carried in her womb? Would she find herself burned at the stake with Tiye or would she be forced to commit suicide?

She was young, about to become a mother, and she loved her husband. She had been excited when she found out she was to be wed to the pharaoh's son. Of the two brothers, Pentaweret was the most handsome, his magnetic personality drew people to him. He was only the son of a secondary wife, but people often remarked that he would be a fitting successor to Egypt's throne, not his brother the designated heir.

It was Tiye's fault, for it was she who had put these ideas in her son's head. If his brother became Pharaoh, Pentaweret could be a governor or the general who led the army of Egypt. She knew of the hostility between the brothers, Pentaweret resented being passed over in favor of Ramesses. Yes, she would like to be the Lady of the Two Lands, but, but, what if their plans failed? What if the nobles failed to support them? Her husband would not be allowed to live and what would life be for her without him?

She wished she could consult the priests but dared not for fear that she would be found out. What if word would leak of Tiye's schemes? She was afraid of her mother-in-law, Tiye was formidable and if her plans were thwarted would she take her fury out on her? She would not put it past her to kill her son's wife, and the baby she carried in her womb would not protect her.

Rick and Roma were sitting alone at the table in the kitchen pavilion. The plates of food so carefully prepared sat untouched. Ardeth was off with Omar, talking to the workmen about yet another set of bones that had been found.

"Rick," Roma said, and he looked up at her with empty eyes. "Do not tell Ardeth what I am about to tell you, this must be our secret."

"Yes," he looked at her, wondering what she meant.

"Do you know where you could purchase dynamite?"

"How much?"

"Enough to blow up the tomb, obliterate it. As soon as we get Evie back, I want to destroy it. Maybe his power will dissipate if his house of eternity is destroyed. As soon as Evie is returned, I'm going to take everything we found and place it inside, then blow it up. I want to destroy all traces of it. All I want to leave is rubble."

"Won't that get you in trouble with the authorities?" A light was coming back into Rick's eyes and Roma realized he had been thinking the same thing.

"Only if they catch me. This tomb is isolated, and I think I can cover my tracks. I can pay off the workmen and they will say nothing about what we found. After all, a lot of things could happen. Limestone is fragile, it could be destroyed by an earthquake. Maybe the structure was weak, and it collapsed on its own."

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