Chapter 13 - Thank you Cake

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"Search what online?"  

We all turned towards Parker and Ryan who had just came back after grocery shopping. Max filled them in about his idea and they decided to tag along with good will and no selfish reasons.

We found an easy recipe and Ryan took up the role of the leader and started directing us. It would have really helped if Cole was here but Stephen had called him to his office for some work.

"Okay, we need flour, eggs, butter, powdered sugar, baking soda and baking powder. Gather all the ingredients on the counter," Ryan instructed.

"Where the heck is flour!?"

"Has anyone seen butter?"

"Do we even have this baking soda, powder whatever!?"

After much hustle we got everything we needed at one place. Ryan read the next step, "Mix the flour with one teaspoon baking powder and a pinch of baking soda. Tyler, do it."

"Tyler wait!" I shrieked but it was too late he had already poured the ingredients in the flour.

"What?" He asked.

"You put a teaspoon of soda and a pinch of baking powder, Ryan had said the opposite."

"Eh, both of them are the same, it's okay," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sophia, whisk the butter, after two minutes add powdered sugar and whisk again. Got it?" Ryan asked me as he was distributing work to everyone. 


I got the butter and a bowl and whisked it. "Can someone pass the sugar, please?" 

"Yeah, just a sec," Parker brought the sugar and put it in the bowl. I thanked him with a smile before he went to his designated task.

"Max put that egg in the mixture Sophia is making and take over the whisking," I heard Ryan in the background.

"Max! It has shells!" I told him as he started mixing the egg with the butter and sugar.

"Oh, um, don't worry it will give the cake crunchiness," he explained me as if he was the champion of Master Chef. 

 After about an hour we had the cake batter and a battered kitchen. Flour was thrown everywhere around the kitchen, egg shells and egg yolks were also helping the the flour in the decoration. Our clothes were in no different condition than kitchen. Anyone would think that we had a food fight. We did.

Today I learned that we get sidetracked easily.

We poured the batter in the cake pan and put it in the microwave for twenty minutes. "Everyone listen, Max, Tyler and Parker make the frosting. Tony and Sophia cut the strawberries for decoration. I will clean the rest things up." Ryan ordered. "And Tyler and Parker you started the food fight, I'm cleaning up for you now but you'll pay later," he glared at the mentioned two boys. 

I went with Tony and started cutting the strawberries after washing them. "Just go away you don't know how to cut it," Tony said to me after I had just cut one of them. I frowned at him, did he really had a problem with me standing beside me? Because I know I can cut fruits just well.

"Leave him Sophia, come help me clean," Ryan called out from behind me. When I was near him he whispered, "He just doesn't want you anywhere near knives."

I smiled at him and started cleaning. We started with putting away the items we didn't need anymore.

"Sophia, what is this doing here?" Ryan asked holding a box.

"It's the powdered sugar, I used it in the cake."

"It's not sugar! It's salt you idiot!" Ryan shouted making everyone look at us.

"What?" I asked shocked, our whole hard work had gone waste. "Parker gave it to me."


Everyone started screaming at Parker when Max's even louder voice shut everyone up, "Guys! What's this smell?"

I also got the smell, burning smell. All of us looked over at the microwave to see smoke coming out of it.

At that time a voice boomed around the house, "Guys, I'm home!" Stephen's voice.


Hey Guys,

So here's the update, after about a month, Sorry.

I hope this was a fun chapter for everyone and you at least smiled twice while reading it. ^_^

And thank you because of your comments my sister followed me hehehe.

Okay so if I ask you to rank Max, Parker and Tyler for their stupidity based on this chapter what would it be?

Random Question: How old are all you guys?

Love, Eternal_18

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