O4: Bathroom Misfortunes (& Goat Lung Mishaps)

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"You just knocked out a guy for this seat." Riley replies, drawing conclusions from her very observant, witty nature. 

"Did I? I didn't notice that." he replies before he shoves a hand down his pants and brings out a banana. "I thought Jared just liked the closet." a few tortured groans are heard from the closet.

The bell rings, and with that all 30 kids just fly out of the class at one once, crowding the doorway and blocking the door with their bodies while Sean just sighs and turns to look at River and Riley who for some reason seemed quite engaged in their conversation and did not notice the bell ringing.

"River. I need to speak with you." Sean says, fixing his glasses and regaining composure.

"Really? You're not like the other girls? Damn, that's sick." River laughs to something Riley just said while she smiles along, while twirling her brown locks around her finger.

"Riley? Can I have a moment please?"

"OMG. Don't eat it like that!" Riley squeals as River bites into an unpeeled banana which Sean was sure he pulled out of his pants. 

"River, you dumbass. Are you even listening?" Sean's voice booms in the now empty room, bringing their attention to him, finally.

"What?" River asks, somewhat bored now. 

"You're failing all your classes. And you're too dumb to have passed 5th grade. You can't graduate at this rate." Sean says, trying to seem a bit concerned. "Riley, since you're the smartest in the grade and the only teenager who cares about your GPA and you don't stay out all night partying on weekends but stay at home binge-watching Netflix shows while eating junk," he takes a deep breath, "you will henceforth be tutoring River, the dumb bad boy."

Riley's eyes widen, it feels like her world was crumbling around and also why was her geography teacher so invested in her personal and non-existent social life.

Riley tears out of the room before the tears could fall out of her eyes, dodging River's muscular chest as he attempts to stop her. She shoves him aside and runs in the direction of the bathroom, ignoring the strange looks she was getting from the janitor.

She rushes to the last stall and locks herself in, leaning back against the bathroom door and sobbing into her hands, loudly and grotesquely. She pauses when she realizes there's someone in the next stall making unsettling splashing sounds. This makes her come to the conclusion that someone must be having a really bad bowel day and she cries harder.

Chelsea was not good at flirting. And she really wanted to try with Brighten, which was the name of the pretty girl she had seen earlier, how she obtained her name was really none of your business. Brighten seemed to be the kind of girl who enjoyed a compliment, so the first class they had together, she decided to take a shot at it. 

While Brighten hesitantly poked at a pair of goat lungs, Chelsea clears her throat and leaning against the counter, tries to think really hard of some cool pick up line but ends up saying the first thing that crosses her mind.

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