Chapter 4

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Liam's POV

Why the hell did I do that?

Why did I kiss her?!

"Just checking." I had said, obviously aware then of what I was doing. Right now I had no clue why I did that. I thought that she would've been Mad Hatter, but there was no affect of it. At all.

I staggered into the boy's room, turning the cold water on in the sink.

'I need a hair cut..' I thought, trying my best to flattened it down.

"Liam?" Someone called in the stall.

"H-hello?" I stuttered, trying to find my voice.

"Liam?" It called again, this time more feminine.

"Excuse me, this is the men's room." I replied, pushing the stall open.


I felt a dark and evil spirit go into me. I collapsed against the wall, holding my chest. I started to breath more heavy now. I let out a painful groan, feeling it move through my body.

What was this?! Was I dying?

I groaned again, more painfully this time. This thing wasn't getting out without a fight I guess.

"Get. The. Hell. OUT!" I screamed, swinging my head back, catching my air again. I leaned onto my knees, gasping for as much air as I could take in.

"Liam? You in here?"

"Louis!?" I yelled, stammering to the door. I pushed it open, and Louis stood there, wrapped in his sweater and everything.

"I heard you yelling all the way in the Science lab." He replied, looking behind me. "You okay?"

I shook my head, "Absolutely not."


As we approached lunch Harry insisted we talked to Birdie, Claire, and Bryarly. I didn't object. I knew I could pull Birdie into a trance.

As we approached the table, all the girls were silent. I automatically locked my eyes onto hers. She had so much fear inside, I felt bad holding onto her.

'Let me go..' They begged. I tried to ignore all her pleading to look further inside of her, but Claire caught me off guard.

My head shot up and I saw as Claire was inches from pouncing Haz.

"Birdie, do something!" Bryarly yelled to Birdie. She stood up and whispered something to Claire, and she collapsed. Birdie turned back, and her face fell. The colour was being washed right out of it.

"Birdie!" I heard myself scream. I dove to the ground before she hit.

"Li, what are you doing?" Zayn called. I ignored him, and lifted her into my arms. I didn't think twice about my plan, before I had darted off.

Louis' POV

What the hell did he think he was doing?! It was him who had the idea they were the Terrible Three, now he's saving her?!

I ripped off the sweater I had been torchered in all day, and ran after him.

As I entered the hallway, I couldn't seem to find him.

"Liam?" I heard myself call. It seemed as if the entire school had drained out.

"Louis.." A voice whispered.

My head shot in all directions. Where was that coming from?

"W-who's there?" I asked, looking around each corner.


I then saw what was calling me.

"Liam!" I yelled, collapsing next to him. "W-what happened? Where's Birdie?"

"She's possessed. I can't stop her.." He whispered without blinking.

"What do you mean possessed?" I asked sternly.

"She wants to kill us all..."

Harry's POV

All the events accruing today were really strange and were creeping me out. I hadn't seen Liam since earlier, Louis wasn't speaking, Zayn was ignoring us, and Niall wasn't even in real life anymore. Am I the only one who wants to get rid of the Terrible Three?

*That Night*

"I think we should go out looking." I announced to the boys.

"Why? They know we'll be looking anyway." Zayn snapped, flicking sparks from his fingers. I sighed.

"I think we should..." Niall spoke quietly. Louis nodded silently.

"Liam?" I asked, looking at him.

"She wants to kill us all..." He whispered.

"Who?" We all asked, except Louis.

"She..." He whispered again. He stood up and walked to his suit.

"We should get going.." He gripped it in his hand and swiftly zapped it on.

"Alright." I smiled.


"I sense them.." Zayn announced, looking around the city. I continued to look around as well, taking in small breaths.

"Where could they be?" He spat, looking down off the building. "I feel them, they're so clo-"

Just as it happened, I felt guilty I wasn't watching him. A dark presence pushed Zayn off the building.

"Zayn!" I yelled, diving straight off the building, hurdling quickly toward him. "Ready?" I asked, taking his arm. He nodded, and I whipped him up toward the top again. Before I hit, I gripped a power wire, swinging off of it.

"Who was that?" I whispered.

"You're worst nightmare." The voice said over my shoulder.

"How's that?" I asked, trying to distract her. He slowly moved his claws down my arms and toward my front.

"You know how this game works...Harry." The moment she said my name, everything slowed down. My stomach had dropped at the sound of it, her piercing claw had gone right into my shoulder, and Zayn had pulled me away.

Niall's POV

"Liam, Louis, you have to tell me what's up." I blurted as we sat alone in the street.

"Liam met an evil spirit in the bathroom who tried to kill him. And then, he said Birdie tried to kill him again, but she ran off." Louis slowly and poorly explained.

"You think Birdie is part of the Terrible Three?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I did, but then I kissed her in the hallway and it didn't seem the same."

"Wish to try one more time?" A female voice said behind all of us.

"Birdie, is that really you?" I yelled, moving my weapon from her vision.

"You'll never know." She said, suddenly wincing over in pain.

"Bir-" Liam said, not finishing his thought.

"You're just so convinced I'm Birdie, aren't you? Well, I'll prove it once more." She winced again, but slowly made her way over to him. She gradually leaned up to his height and kissed him.

Liam's POV

Her soft lips over mine.

The passion that they held.

I grabbed her waist, pulling her in closer to me. This was deffenitaly Birdie.

Sadly, she realised and looked at me with shame.

"I'm sorry Liam..." She whispered, moving her mouth closer to my ears. "Kalliah Terspuive..."

I looked down her confused, but when her lips pressed against mine, all of my memory from the past day had slipped my mind.

No one could ever reexplain that day....

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