Chapter 6

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A/n: this might be a little messy with povs...sorry bout that love

Bryarly's POV

"Birdie! We need to go. Now!" That was the first time I had ever actually screamed at Birdie. Her face fell into an uneasy glare.

"What?" She snapped, a piece of annoyance in her voice.

"Claire and Harry are at the hideout." I whispered into her ear.

"What!" She screamed. The entire cafeteria fell silent, staring at Birdie and I. "The hell you looking at!" She lifted her bag from her seat, running off in the direction of her car.

"Get in, quick." She said, sliding into the drivers seat and bulking up. I mimicked her action as she hit the gas petal leaving the school behind us.

"What'll the teachers say?" I muttered to myself, leaning my head on the dashboard.

"Oh yeah. Cause our number one enemy is going to our hideout and the first thing you think of is our teachers?!" She snapped at to me.

I sighed, fiddling with my fingers.

Harry's POV

"Claire, w-we're here." I stuttered, looking down the hill into the lone pit.

"Don't look down it, keep you eyes shut." She mumbled, standing directly in front of me now. Her long brown hair hung over her left shoulder, her matching eye obviously filled with aches of pain.

"Ah!" She screamed, clutching her head. "Stop! Stop saying that!"


A powerful source shot from her hand, throwing me to the hood of my car. Her head looked up to me, slits down her eyes.

"'re Pussy Women." I mumbled.

"Back away from her. Or you'll see what Hell looks like real fast." A voice snapped behind me.

"Which means, Birdie is Mad Hatter." My eyes locked on Birdie's, fear filled them. "And Bryarly is another member I presume?"

"I can't thank you enough for bringing me here.." Claire whispered behind me, her voice scratchy and dry.

"You nearly killed Louis..."

"I could've been dead at the school." Claire continued.

"You've erased Liam's memory.."

"And you're next." My head snapped up at Birdie's words. "I am not going to lose all this because of you. I've already lost Liam!"

"Birdie...enter." A new voice echoed. Her face fell as she slowly jumped into the pit. Finally, it was only Claire and I again.

"Harry..this is for your own good." She muttered, a singled tear leaving her eye.

Liam's POV

"Shh. He's awake."


"Liam please open your eyes."


"Who's Birdie?"

I shot myself out of my bed, nearly smacking heads with my mother and two sisters. I glanced around at their worried faces, then quickly at the time.

"Again, who's Birdie?" Ruth asked, taking my hand into hers. I gave her a confused look.

"You mumbled the name Birdie right behind you almost head butted us all." Nicola explained, rubbing her temples. I glanced around my room once more. The blinds were completely shut, my dresser was leaking with clothing, and my piles of movies were on the verge of falling. Everything seemed normal, why didnt I?

"How long have I been out?" I asked, throwing my legs over the edge of my bed closest to my mother.

"A good week I'd say." My mother sighed, handing me a fresh cup of tea.

"A week?" I repeated. She nodded her head. "C-can I see the lads?"

"They're all in the kitchen. We knew of they came in, someone would be sucker punched." Ruth gave me her warm smile, kissing my forehead and leaving. Nicola ruffled my hair, as mum mimicked Ruth's actions. As they left, Louis, Zayn, and Niall walked in.


"Erased. Just like you were. He's out cold at his place." Zayn sighed, picking up an old metal I'd won at a race.

"Why? What did I know that I was erased?" I asked.

"Dunno. You never told any of us, or left any signs." Louis replied, his hair falling over his eyes. They all looked exhausted, especially Niall and Zayn. They were the only ones who haven't been physically attacked yet.

"Maybe she should talk in a more private place." Niall suggested. I nodded, throwing the blanket off my body.

"Woah!" They all yelled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Put some trousers on!" Zayn yelled, throwing jeans repeatedly at me. I looked down, realising I wasn't wearing any boxers.



A/n: sorry it's another short one.

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