Chapter 8

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A/n: wow welcome back me. Let's finish this story by the end of July?

Harry's POV

"Come on Pussy Girl, that all you got?" The words slipped off my tongue like poison, and Claire's reaction is exactly what I wanted. The one sentence I knew would change all of our lives forever.

After 'Pussy Girl' kissed me, it became clear what was going on, especially when I woke up the next day feeling perfectly fine unlike Liam had the week before. Claire was Pussy Girl, Birdie was the Mad Hatter who successfully cleared Liam's memory, and Bryarly was the brains of it all. The boys may have been afraid of them, but I wasn't. I knew Claire; she doesn't have it in her to kill us. Birdie on the other hand, I could see her killing a few.

Claire's face flushed of all color as she tried to stammer out a shot back at me. I couldn't help but smile, knowing I had won; actually won against a villain.

"You're crazy," She finally breathed. Her breath was hot, her face still pale, I think I even saw some sweat go down her forehead.

"Am I? Or do you just hate losing?" I asked, taking a step forward until her heels hit the locker, creating a loud crash at her feet.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else? And preferably a little quieter?" Claire finally snapped, putting her hands in my chest to push me away. I looked down as she did so, and caught a slight glimpse of her claws against my shirt. I stumbled backwards and smiled.

Leaning down to her ear, I whispered almost inaudible, "Meet me at my house directly after school, it's safe there," I backed away from her and turned to walk back to class. Sitting back in my seat I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. That was the most confident I had every spoken with a girl and I never knew I even had it in me.

Now to wait for 2:30 to really get confident.


I stood at my locker once the bell rang, watching the underclassmen rush out to catch their bus. Liam stood next to me with a near blank expression on his face, while Niall and Louis discussed something about their math course. My eyes just scanned everyone leaving, until I saw Claire, Birdie, and Bryarly walk by. Claire said something to Birdie once she noticed me, but I couldn't make it out over the sound of the boys talking. Finally, she made her way over to me, but I nodded my head to the right. I smacked Liam on the shoulder and followed her from the building.

She walked to my car, and I stalked behind her so no one caught onto us. I unlocked my car as she got closer, and finally I jumped into the drivers seat and sped out of the lot without putting my seatbelt on. The ride was quiet besides the radio on in the background. Having Claire in my car made me almost embarrassed of the music I listened to, until she reached her hand across and turned it up. When I had bought the car the bass was already tampered with, so the stereo in my car was off kilter.

About ten minutes later, we pulled into my driveway. Of course, no one was home. Mom worked and the young ones were still at school.

"Follow me," I spoke, bringing my backpack over my shoulder. I glanced over at her to see her on her phone texting. I pulled it from her hands and slid it into my front pocket. She went to protest when I spoke first, "If I'm spilling the truth, the phone gets shut off. None of your girls know where I live, and when you leave, I drain your memory of where my house is. This is my family, I'll protect them to the end of the world. Got it?"

"Yes, Styles, I got it. Now let me out," Claire snapped, pushing her door open and standing on the opposite side of the car. Today she wore short jean shorts with the long front pockets, a maroon shirt that came down over her shoulder, and a set of black booties. Her hair just hung over her shoulders, and I swear if we weren't against each other, I'd kiss her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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