Chapter 17 After math

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( I can't believe he can act so normal after that I mean it's not like he's singing a song while cooking but he can talk normally after that )
Hinata comes through the door
Kageyama looks up
You should take a bath dinners going to be ready soon ( he should especially take a bath after we kissed like that )
Ok ..
( is he sad oh no worse it's awkward )
Kageyama I'm sorry if I made things awkward between us Hinata sits on the bed looking derictly at Kageyama
( why is he looking at me like that what does he want me too say )Kageyama looks at Hinata confused
It's fine it wasn't akward I'm just thinking about stuff
Hinata keeps on apologizing over and over again even though it's not his fouls but Kageyama is trying to avoid eye contact by not looking at Hinata next to him and just looking forward
Kageyama breaks and looks at him while he's talking but looks at his lips and blushes
Kageyama are you ok your kind of red
What yea - the timer goes of
I have to go check on the food
( why can I not keep myself under control I think it's kind of embarrassing between us now )
Kageyama the foods done 
(I'm just going to act like everything's normal)
( or I can just do what he says and still be friends I hope I can do that one )
Kageyama and Hinata sit at the table and start eating
There was silence for two minutes
....never mind
( what was he going to ask me )
Hinata and Kageyama finish eating Kageyamas washing dishes while hinatas watching tv
( ok I finished washing the dishes now I'm gonna go see what Hinata is doing he can never be bored )
Kageyama peeks in his room to see Hinata watching a movie
Kageyama watch the movie with me
Kageyama lays down next to Hinata watching the movie
When the movie finishes Kageyama
( I got a text ?)
Hay noya what's up
Hay suga wants to talk with you later
Ok thanks
Kageyama looks up and sees Hinata asleep ( how does he sleep so easily )

Kageyama grabs the control and runs oof the tv
Soft voice Kageyama
Can I get a kiss to go to sleep
Kageyama leans but Hinata says somthing before he does
Soft voice only one
Kageyama waits a second then doesn't answer but kisses hinta
Hinata cuddled in to Kageyama
Kageyama got a call
Hay Kageyama
What !
Calm down I didn't do anything
( he woke up Hinata )
What do you want suga
I just wanted to say that we have a practice match against Nekoma tomorrow
Ok thanks bye 
Kageyama hangs up
What did suga want
He said we have a practice match against Nekoma tomorrow
Oh I can't wait to play against them again
( actually I can wait if I get to snuggle with Kageyama )

Sorry this is a short chapter I just didn't have any pictures for this one

Mysterious love Kageyama x Hinata Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum