Chapter16 kisses ( plus 13 kind of

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ please don't read this if you're not comfortable with them kissing

5 minutes later
Hinata I'm tired will you just tell me what's wrong
Kageyama I promise it's not that big of a deal I will tell you later
Hinata what is it
( if I tell him it's going to be so embarrassing ) (becouse now it's a big deal it's the center of the topic)
Hinata why won't you just tell-
Hinata hugs Kageyama
Kageyama hugs Hinata back
what's wrong you have been sad all day
I haven't been sad I just wanted to ask you somthing and I was thinking about it a long time
There still hugging
What is it
Since Hinata is hugging Kageyama he's close to his ear and says
Whisper I-I want you to kiss me again
( wha why does he want that and why last time it was so awkward)
I know it's embarrassing and weird
I just -I just - Hinata tightens his grip
Kageyama feels a tear on his neck
( is he crying )
Kageyama pulls Hinata oof of him and kisses him

5 minutes laterHinata I'm tired will you just tell me what's wrong Kageyama I promise it's not that big of a deal I will tell you later Hinata what is it( if I tell him it's going to be so embarrassing ) (becouse now it's a big deal it's the cente...

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( what's he doing )
They both stop after a second
Hinata looks at Kageyama from close up
They both blush
...why did y-
Kageyama kisses Hinata hard before he can finish his sentence
Hinata tried to pull back after a second but kageyama holds hinatas head and back so he can't
Kageyama kisses Hinata even harder making Hinata step back
Mumbles Kageyama stop
Kageyama doesn't stop
Hinata pulls away from Kageyama
Stop why did you do that
You wanted me to kiss you didn't you
I'm gonna go to the kitchen
( now I regret pulling away )
Kageyama starts to walk out the door
Hinata pulls on his jacket
And drops his head
Kageyama turns around suprised
Can you... do that again..I know your tired but ....
( he wants more)
Kageyama kisses Hinata hard so hard Hinata has to take a couple steps back
Hinata stays in shock for a second than kisses Kageyama back
Kageyama pins Hinata on the bed and Hinata wraps his arms around Kageyamas head and kisses him

Mumbles Kageyama Kageyama doesnt answer back he just kisses HinataAfter 10 seconds  of doing that Mumbles kageyama stop I can't breath Hinata tried to pull Kageyama away but can't Mumbles Kageyama stop!Kageyama stops as Hinata pants for air You kn...

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Mumbles Kageyama
Kageyama doesnt answer back he just kisses Hinata
After 10 seconds  of doing that
Mumbles kageyama stop I can't breath
Hinata tried to pull Kageyama away but can't
Mumbles Kageyama stop!
Kageyama stops as Hinata pants for air
You know it makes it harder for me to kiss you when your talking right
I couldn't breath!
Breath through your nose !
Kageyama kisses Hinata after he says that
( I can barely breath with him kissing me that hard )
(....I just relized I'm making out with Kageyama on the bed! I have to stop this we're supposed to be friends )
Hinata tried to push Kageyama back but he's pinned on the bed
( what do I do. )
Mumbles Kageyama!!
Kageyama stops kissing Hinata
Panting were ( breath ) supposed to be friends
( he still thinks of me as friend after he asked to kiss me )
Kageyama drops his head on hinatas chest
I'm sorry i shouldn't have done that to you I won't do it anymore
....well I mean ...
Kageyama looks up
We ..can still kiss as friends right
( as long as I get to have Hinata And protect him fine)
Yea ...I guess
They both make out on the bed for a two minutes
( I want to do more so bad but he says he only wants to kiss and stay as friends I have to respect that )
Mumbles Kageyama
( ugh is he trying to kill me by saying my name like that )
Kageyama stops and drops his head
( why did he stop )
Kageyama gets oof of Hinata
I'm ....going to make dinner
( why does he want to make dinner right now  )
Kageyama is about to walk out the door
Hinata gets of the bed and runs up to him
Kageyama where are you going
I'm going to make food
( he doesn't even know how to make food)
I-it's fine I'll make it
Kageyama sits on the bed in the room with Hinata in the kitchen
( ugh I hope things aren't going to be awkward between us now I had to stop when he said my name like that panting for air I ..just couldn't if I kissed him again I wouldn't stop there )
Kageyama lost in thoughts while Hinata was making food

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