Chapter 10 so needy

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Hay you ..Hinata
I heard you cried out of lunch yesterday
( there so much bigger than me but how do they know that)
Who are you
Why you little-
You can call us your new friends
They take Hinata to the janitors closet
Hay let me go
They hit him and hurt him and leave him there when there done

HinataYesI heard you cried out of lunch yesterday( there so much bigger than me but how do they know that)Who are you Why you little-You can call us your new friends They take Hinata to the janitors closet Hay let me go They hit him and hurt him a...

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( why did they do that I have to call someone to help me)
Hay take his jacket he doesn't need it
..but sir it's snowing outside
Take it!
Yes sir he takes hinatas jacket they leave
Leaving Hinata on the ground hurt and cold
( maybe I could call Kageyama)
He reaches for his phone in his pocket
( ow I have to take the pain of even moving a little )
Hinata where are you
I-I'm in the janitors closet
I'm coming stay there
He hangs up
Kageyama runs to the janitors closet
.... Kageyama
Kageyama helps Hinata up
We have to take you to the medical room
What happened where's your jacket

They took it
(Who's they )
Kageyama takes Hinata to the medical room
Ms nurse help
I told you my name is nurse will- what happened
Some guys hurt him
Ok I will do what I can
The nurse takes Hinata to the medical room
( how could people do such a thing I mean hinatas so nice he doesn't deserve that and I didn't even know he was he was getting beat up while I was in class and I can't even help him with his injuries )
He's done
Thank you nurse
Hinata came out wrapped in bandages
I suggest you both go home unless you have an after school activity like I don't know volleyball
Thank you nurse ...will
No problem
Do you have a jacket Hinata can borrow
I'm sorry I'm out
I do have this one but it won't keep you that warm especially with the snow
Thanks anyways
Hinata and Kageyama go to the Jim
Hay I'm sorry I couldn't help you
You did helped me you gave me a jacket and you helped me get to the nurses office
( I just relized Hinata has been so sad lately he won't even show one smile ever since the blizzard)
Kageyama hugs Hinata
( I want to tell him that hurts but he's just so warm and I think he's crying)
Hinata wraps his arms around Kageyama
I'm cold
Kageyama tightens his grip on Hinata
Kageyama you said you didn't want people to see us were outside
Kageyama grabs hinatas wrist and leads him to the club room
Kageyama puts Hinata against the wall and cuddles him
K-Kageyama..I can't breathe
Kageyama loosens his grip

Kageyama we have to go to practice We can go later KageyamaaaaaHinata whines for a couple minutes but Kageyama doesn't let go( it's been eight minutes why hasn't he let me go)Kageyama gets a call Ring ring Kageyama your phone

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Kageyama we have to go to practice
We can go later
Hinata whines for a couple minutes but Kageyama doesn't let go
( it's been eight minutes why hasn't he let me go)
Kageyama gets a call
Ring ring
Kageyama your phone
ring ring
Kageyama ,Kageyama get your phone it's annoying
Your annoying
Hinata reaches for Kageyamas phone
Hay where's Kageyama
It's so quiet Kageyama can hear the phone
Kageyama grabs the phone with one hand the other wrapped around Hinata
What do you want nishinoya
Kageyama where's Hinata
( this is his phone )
Oh he's uhm ... busy
Are you guys coming to practice
...yea we'll be there in a little while
Well coach said that if you guys aren't here in 5 minutes he's going to make you both run laps... in the snow
Yea we'll be there
Ok bye
Kageyama puts the phone in the pocket closest to his hand and wraps his arm around Hinata
Kageyama we need to go
Hinata whines Kageyamas name for a couple seconds
Kageyama let's go
And they both walk to the Jim
( wow it's actually really cold without Kageyama right in front of me and this jacket is not keeping me warm)they arrive at the Jim
Everyone practices for 30 minutes
And then they take a break
Hay suga
Yea yamaguchi
Have Hinata and Kageyama been different since the blizzard
Yea they have( there really clingy to each other now and when hinatas blocking in practice he always looking back to Kageyama and they sit next to each other when ever there not on break-)
( where are they going)
Hay guys where are you going practice isn't over
We're going to the supply room
( why are they going to the supply room)
( why are we going to the supply room)
Kageyama sits on the floor
Come here
( aww he's so needy it's cute)
Hinata sits with Kageyama

Hinata whines Kageyamas name for a couple seconds Fine Kageyama let's go And they both walk to the Jim( wow it's actually really cold without Kageyama right in front of me and this jacket is not keeping me warm)they arrive at the Jim Everyone prac...

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Kageyama hears footsteps
( someone's coming)
Kageyama jolts up
Hinata hits his head on the wall
What are you guys doing
Hinatas hit his head on the wall
You know what I'm just going to go everyone's going home now
( there weird)
My head hurts
Kageyama what's wrong
Kageyama starts to cuddle Hinata there both standing
Kageyama we should go home I don't want to stay here and it's already dark
Ok fine
Kageyama grabs hinatas wrist and leads him back home walking fast
Kageyama slow down
( he says my name so much he's not even quiet when he's sleeping )
Kageyama slow down!
Kageyama slows down a little
Ok we're home why did you drag me all the way over here

Mysterious love Kageyama x Hinata Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt