Harry's energy rubbed off on everyone else. The way he frolicked around the stage made Selene happy. Before she knew it, they were all being rushed off the stage for the next artist.

Harry was rushed to another wardrobe change while the rest of the band stayed back. Selene sat on an one cushion sofa while Mitch and Sarah sat together; Mitch's arm draped over her shoulders. Claire sat in a chair next to them.

"How was it kid?" Mitch asked as he directed the attention to Selene. She smiled, her septum piercing softly dangling. "That was fucking amazing," she breathed out.

The amount of energy coming from the models, Harry, and the rest of the band was enough to send her adrenaline rushing. Her cheeks were a tint of red and her pupils were dilated. Mitch noticed, his whole body moving forward to see.

"What the hell Selene? You took drugs?" he asked, somewhat joking.

She snorted. "Have you ever seen me take drugs?"


"Then there's your answer Mitchell," she said. Her eyes dilated was a side effect from the antidepressants. She really needed to change her medication. The side affects that we're gone for years had slowly started to make her way back into her life. That was the first thing on her checklist when she got back to the States was to make an appointment. She contemplated whether or whether not to go off of them until then. If she did, that means she would have to lower her dose every week and by then, she would already be off of tour.

Harry walked back into the room, now wearing a greyish-blue suit with a baby blue blouse under it. "There's an after party a few blocks down after this. Any of y'all going?"

"I'll go but i'm not drinking," Selene said as she rubbed her head.

"Your not drinking?"

"That's what I said."

Selene couldn't risk being hangover and having headaches from her medicine. "Okay then," Harry said. "Anyone else?"

"Me and Sarah are going out."

"I'm staying in tonight."

"Then I guess it's just the two of us," Harry sat as he sat down.

Before she knew it, Selene was at the party with Harry. As soon as she stepped into the door she could smell sweat and alcohol. Selene held the boba drink in her hand tightly. Harry has stopped to get her a drink since she said she wasn't going to drink here. Selene cringed as she saw multiple couples practically make out in front of everyone. Their hands roamed all over each other. She removed her eyesight from the couples and to the people who were either smoking or drinking.

"Welcome to the industry," Harry smirked as he led her through the room by placing his hand on her shoulder. This definitely wasn't her scene. She hadn't been to a big party like this since college. Since she met Nate. Harry greeted Bella Hadid with a big hug; the singer practically squishing her. Bella was the first to let go, her eyes trailing over to Selene.

"Your the bassist right?" she asked as she shined her pearly white teeth. Holy shit. She actually payed attention to the band members.

Selene nodded. "That's me. Nice to meet you," she smiled as she brought her hand out. Bella shook her hand softly. "We are doing Spill it or Drink it over there if you two want to come over," she said, walking away as fast as she got introduced.

"You can play, i'll watch," Selene said over the music.

"Why aren't you playing?" he asked.

She sighed. "There gonna ask questions I don't have answer to because the last time I did anything with anyone it was Nate."

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