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          As the last wielder from her tribe, Kida felt completely alone. She often found herself trying to recall a time when she might've met another wielder, but always came up blank. Wielders were those who were able to manipulate one of the four elements: earth, air, water, or fire. Kida herself was a water wielder, but as it seemed, she was one of the only ones left. Around thirty years ago, the tyrant, King Mo Rahur, had taken the throne, and in doing so, his first goal was to rid the world of any and all wielders. Mo Rahur was a powerful earth wielder, but proved to be ruthless and repressive. The world had been a much darker place within the last thirty years, as nearly fifty percent of the population had either been executed or thrown into hiding.

          Their world was made up of four separate countries, each affiliated with a different element, and in the middle was the capital. The capital used to be a common ground for all wielders to live comfortably with one another, but Mo Rahur had made it nearly impossible for anyone to enter or leave. The king had initially sent out soldiers to each country to weed out the wielders and assert dominance over the people. The soldiers were hostile and used aggression during that period of time, making people afraid to even leave their homes. Eventually, the masses of soldiers Mo Rahur had sent retreated back to the Capital once all the wielders had been taken care of, but new units had been deployed out to all the districts in order to keep the people oppressed.

          Kida had been left to her own defenses after an attack on her village. Kida ran as far as she could from the beachy shores she used to call home. Eventually, she travelled far enough to barter passage to one of the other nearby countries. She had heard that the Capital had recently pulled recruits from the Earth country and deployed them to the Air country. Riots had begun to break out amongst the countries, primarily in the Air and Fire countries. Though Kida found herself an advocate for these attempts to overthrow the tyrant Mo Rahur, she thought it would be a safer bet to find solace in the Earth country.

          Being in foreign territory wasn't easy for Kida. Unlike her home country, this one didn't possess the same tropical atmosphere. Everything was new. Over the course of a year, she spent her time learning all about the country's flora, fauna, and even found time to practice her wielding, brush up on her sparring, and hone in on her meditation. She had progressed so much in the time away from her homeland. Her days usually consisted of travelling for the first few hours of the day, finding a local village or market, for food and supplies she may need, the occasional petty theft, and the even more occasional run-in with Capital soldiers. Although, on this land, the soldiers didn't know that she was a wielder. She found other ways to aggravate them while also perfecting her combat technique.

          Today was no different. Kida had already spent her morning travelling from the meager town of Gu Nao towards a much larger town by the name of Nai Mong. Determined to find something to eat with the few coins she had left, she had strolled into town, dawning nothing but the clothes on her back and the knapsack slung over her shoulder. Kida never typically got any unusual stares as it wasn't uncommon to find people with her similar features in this country. Though each country symbolizes a different element and culture, the world had become a fairly diverse place.

          Kida walked on the dirt path between large rows of stone and wooden buildings. Around her, civilians went about their daily lives and routines, shopping and browsing through the stalls that littered the street, and walking to and from day jobs. Rather than focus on the commotion around her, Kida was eager to fill her aching stomach. Her last meal had been late the night before, and by now it was nearly sundown. Glancing around, she found a stall that was selling in-season fruits. Deciding that was better than attempting to eat meat from a stall that had been sitting out in the sun all day, she strolled over and placed the few remaining coins she had on the vendor's counter.

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