ᴏɴᴇ- 𝙰𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but don't worry bout me." I grinned as I pointed to the Angel wing necklace that I'd taken. "My lucky charm has my back." That's what Sophia called it. She said that because it was special to me, I was special to it.

I walked over to the two and bent over to hug them. I may be short, but compared to them I felt like a skyscraper. That might be another reason why I prefer them over the adults.

"Be careful," Carl muttered over my shoulder as he hugged me.

As I pulled away from the two, Sophia stopped me. She pulled off the small bracelet from her wrist that she wore occasionally. It was a charm bracelet with two charms: a cross, and a moon. Sophia pushed the bracelet towards me, with a small smile.

"It's for when you get scared. You're gonna need it more than me." She said quietly. I knew of the things her dad did, everyone knew. He wasn't the best at hiding what a piece of shit he was. If this was her way of coping with things, I didn't want to take it forever, but I also couldn't refuse the small gift.

"I'll give it back as soon as I come back." I smiled as I grabbed it from her small hands. I reached down to hug her one more time before turning around and walking toward the car that we were all traveling in. It was a van, a kidnapper van to be exact.

As I approached I noticed I wasn't the last one there, and I could tell that was pushing Merle's buttons. Not only did he not have anyone to say goodbye to, but everyone was taking their sweet ass time doing it.

Merle opened the driver's side door before laying his hand harshly on the horn. "C'mon people let's go! We're losin' daylight!"

The annoyed looks on their faces didn't faze him, but then again a lot of things didn't faze Merle. I was about to hop into the van when I heard loud footsteps running towards us. Everyone else that was coming was already waiting to get inside the big white van, so my head snapped over to whoever was running at full speed towards us.

"Ellie, Wait!" Lori called out as she made a beeline for me. I stopped and moved out of the way so T-dog could get inside along with the others. I made my way towards Lori, a concerned look plastered on my face. "You can't leave without saying goodbye." 

Lori pulled me into a hug. I could feel her heart beating quickly from the short run and I couldn't help but relate. Running is hard work.

"You be careful out there, okay?" She said as she rubbed my back. I nodded my head against her shoulder before she pulled back to look at me. For some reason, this felt like an actual goodbye, like she was preparing to never see me again. Although that very well could happen, I wasn't planning on letting it.

"Yes ma'am," I said with a small smile. She sent me a smile of her own, her eyes lingering on my face a moment longer before she patted my shoulder and turned on her heels.

"C'mon now, baby sister! We ain't got all day!" Merle yelled from the van. Thankfully Morales was driving and not Merle. We were all likely to die if he got behind the wheel. Something about the apocalypse and no one else being on the road makes my brother want to serve all over the road just to scare whoever's in the car with him.

The drive to the city was overall exhausting. Playing peacekeeper was tough work, especially with Merle's big mouth. Glenn looked uncomfortable, T looked like he just might take his chances with Merle, Morales looked like he wanted to jump out of the car, Andrea was... annoyed, to say the least, Jacqui was—rightfully—offended, Merle clearly was having a grand ol' time, and I'm sure I looked like I was about to pitch a hissy fit.

When we finally arrived I all but leaped out of the van. T and Glenn were right behind me, all of us trying to put some distance between us and my big brother.

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