Bakugou VS Old man

Start from the beginning

"Because unlike you I can't fucking control my body temperature and it's fucking cold as shit outside you brainless monkey."

"But the others from class don't even wear that many, so why do you?" 

"CAN YOU STOP ASKING QUESTIONS LIKE A HELPLESS FIVE YEAR OLD!?" Bakugou exploded, annoyed beyond belief. Todoroki sighed, giving up on the angry child. He instead busied himself with looking around at the city. It was early December, so people where getting ready for the holiday season, Thanksgiving had just passed but little evidence of that remained. While most stores hadn't put up anything yet, a few looked like they had dropped Christmas bombs inside. Large wreathes and ornaments hung from the celling and snowflake decorations where every wear. Shouto personally hated Christmas. The fact that they had to take a break from school was  horrible and a wast of time. Plus the true meanings of the holidays have been commercialized, now it was all about who could give you the biggest gift. And worst of all, the slew of terrible memories from previous years haunted him. 

There was one good thing though. The food this time of year was amazing, and while it was quite ironic, Shouto was able to enjoy his favorite peppermint candies in earnest this time of year. He had always had a sweet tooth, and Shouto couldn't see anything wrong with sugary Christmas sweets. Cookies, cakes, hot chocolate, and much, much more. 


Maybe he should buy something to treat himself on the way back to the dorms.

"Hey moron."

Or maybe a stop at Starbucks for some nice hot coffee....


Shouto's thoughts where abruptly ended when Bakugou shook his shoulder harshly. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you today!?" Bakugou yelled in his typical dick manner. Except, Todoroki realized there was actual genuine concern in the question. 

"Well!? Your never this fucking clueless icyhot!?"

"Just a lack of sleep I guess." Todoroki lied.

"Well then get some fucking sleep idiot! Your all ready clueless on a good day I can't handle you becoming Kaminari level stupid." Bakugou grumbled, and Todoroki could see he was worried, even if he used a slew of insults to try and hide it. Guilt tugged at Todoroki as he related he had just become a burden on his classmates mind. He needed to stop being so emotion and just get over yesterday's events. He's looked up to see the reason why Bakugou had yelled at him, they had arrived at his fathers agency. Bakugou pushed past Todoroki walking into the building, Shouto right behind them. It wasn't wrong before Bakugou realized he had not fucking clue where he was going and begrudgingly let Shouto walk in front of him. They quickly took off there coats, Bakugou taking more than a minute to peel off his many layers of clothing, before they walked upstairs.

Soon they where up at Endeavors office, and Todoroki opened the door to reveal the fiery man. Shouto shoot him a cold glare, still pissed off, but shoved that aside for now.

"Father, this is Ground Zero." They both exchanged stiff quick, almost awkward greets before his father asked him to leave. He walked out closing the door with a soft thud. Now it was up to Bakugou to get his internship here. Todoroki was actually rooting for Bakugou, not that they where friends or anything but he was exactly what Todoroki needed. And god forbid Endeavor let someone form outside UA intern like that wind guy. But it wasn't up to him, so he'd just have to wait and see.

 Bakugou meanwhile faced Endeavor with a harsh glare.

"Have a seat, Im just going to ask you a few questions to see weather or not I'll let you intern here." Endeavor said icily, the distaste in his throat obvious. Bakugou wanted to let a snarky comment out but he couldn't, not that he was gonna kiss this guys ass either. He sat down on a big ass leather chair, facing the tall man in front of him. Endeavor sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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