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Hey guys i'm back with a new AU. This idea has been in my head for so long now and i can't seem to get rid of it. So i thought why not just write it instead. The italics are flashbacks. I hope you like this story. If you have any suggestions for this story just let me know.

Hope you enjoy :) x

As Erin Lindsay walked up the stairs into the district she knew today would be just as boring as every day. Probably getting a new partner who was clueless and didn't know what to do. They would leave after a couple days and the cycle would restart. It happened every time. Every single time. Why was she always stuck with the bad partners, why couldn't she have a good one. As she walked through the doors she was greeted by the desk sargent Sargent Trudy Platt.

'Hey Lindsay' She said with a smile

'Hey Platt, any news on what my new partner is going to be like. I swear if he is like the rest off them i will be so mad' Erin replied with gritted teeth as she lent her elbows on the desk.

'Apparently he's from the army, and he's a massive hunk, tattoos and everything' Platt says with a slight smile as she tilts her head slowly to the side.

'Brilliant, probably just another cocky, arrogant prick who won't last five minutes' Erin says as she rolls her eyes, taps the desk and starts walking towards the steps to intelligence.

'Maybe if you didn't run the all away, you would have a partner' Platt yells as she slightly laughs at the end, knowing Erin hasn't exactly had the best of luck when it comes to finding a good partner.

As Erin buzzes herself in, she walks up the stairs and into the bullpen. The unit is already there doing paperwork and Hank Voight is leaning against his door way with a knowingly smirk on.

'You know what today is Erin?' Voight says, the unit now has their attention on them two.

'How could i forget' Erin says as she approaches Voight and stands in front of him with her arms crossed.

'Not gonna run this one off are you?'

'Well maybe if you sent me a good one i wouldn't have to would i?' Erin says as she raises her right eyebrow. She rest her hands on her hips.

To say Jay was feeling nervous would be an understatement. Not only was he starting a new job to provide for his Niece he was currently looking after, he would be seeing Erin Lindsay again after so long. What if she didn't remember him? Or what if she was mad at him for what he did? When he bumped into Hank at the coffee shop, and asked about Erin he was very happy to hear she got her life sorted out.

'Just a medium coffee please' Jay says to the lady behind the counter. When his coffee is done he says his thanks and goes to turn around, smashing into a massive build behind him, almost spilling his coffee all over himself.

'Hey watch where your goin-' Jays says before he stops mid sentence when he recognises who he bumped into.

'Hank Voight?' He says with a question. It might of been 15 years since he has seen the man but he was 99.9% sure it was him.

'Jay Halstead' Voight says with shock clearly hearable in his voice. He hasn't seen the boy in 15 years. He looked so different. Arms coved in tattoos and he definitely isn't a scrawny little teenager anymore.

'Yep it's me. Wow it been awhile. How are you? How's Erin?' Jay said with a little hesitation in his voice. He didn't know if Erin still knew Hank, hell he didn't even know if she was still alive. After that night, he did what he had to do and faced the consequences. He didn't have a choice.

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