Always & forever

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My Always & Forever

That was what Jay had spent the last hour carving into the wall, with a now blunt rock he had found laying in the floor. He wrote it incase it was too late when his team find him, Erin will know just how much he meant to him.

"We are leaving now" Danny came bursting through the door panicked. He approached Jay and grabbed a metal pole and knocked him straight out.
"Got a location let's go" Antonio calls out.

Erin grabs her jacket off the back of her chair, she glances a look at Voight and he gives her a nod and they both rush down the stairs of the bullpen and jump into Voights car.

Erins leg is jumping up and down and she's biting her nails. "Hank what if he's not okay" she mumbles while turning from the window to look at Voight.

Hank signs "Kid i can't promise you that he will be okay, but he's strong and he won't go down without a fight"

"I love him" Erin whispers whilst a tear falls down her face.

"I know kid, i know" Voight reaches over and gives Erins hand a squeeze and she squeeze back, grateful for the support. She turns to look out the window wishing for Jay to be okay so they can just go back to how things were before this mess, but it's Erin Lindsay and her odds never quite work out.

As the team breached the abandoned building, guns raised it was a weary silence that followed them. It was relatively light because it was still day light outside, but as they look around they couldn't see any trace of Jay or Danny.

"Isn't that from the video" Al called out and pointed towards the wall in the far corner with, paint splatted all over it.

The team gathered around the wall looking for anything that could lead to where Jay was. Erin noticed something near the bottom of the wall so she kneeled down to see what it was.

My Always & Forever

She ran her hand over the carving in the wall, pushed the tears away from her eyes and cleared her throat. "He was right here" She whispered. Suddenly she got up and stormed out the warehouse.

"See if anyone can find anything, anything that could be helpful and meet us back at the district" Hank said as he turned around and headed towards the door Erin stormed out of.

Hank walked out through the door of the warehouse and looked around for Erin, he spotted her in the passengers seat of his car with her face in her hands. He signed, he knew regardless of if Erin and Jay were dating, that she would take this hard, but it didn't mean it didn't hurt to see her like this.

"Hey kiddo" He said when he shut the door of the car. Erin didn't reply, she didn't even look up or acknowledge his presence. "I know this hard for you? but we will get him okay. He's strong he can make it through this" He gently put a hand on Erins shoulder and he felt her slightly in tense.

"But what if I can't get thought this, if he doesn't make it, I-I" She started to choke on her words as she looked over at Hank with teary eyes.

Without another word he pulled Erin in for a father hug and Erin broke down, right there, in the car. When she came too, no words were exchanged even when they arrived back at the district just a head nod but it was enough for them both to understand.

Let's get Jay back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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