I am 30.  My grandfather is the one who has been speaking to you he sent me here to get you. To bring you back to the tribe and before you start thinking to much. H.e says you are safe here no one has to know you are here unless you tell them and yes we know you are a werewolf so am I."I look up into Chase's eyes. Somewhere I didn't have to hide anymore.My heart was filled up that day.Chase takes me to go meet his grandfather so we get in my car. And head deep into the mountains on back roads. We get to his village and it is all indians he takes me to see his grandfather.We get to a house and walk inside"Hello Kendra I am Chief red wolf of the Cherokee indians you can call me Sam it is shorter. Welcome to our lands I see the letter V is that what people from home call you" .I shake my head yes and sit down. I ask him" are you a wolf?"

"No V my grandson Chase is I am what's called a shaman which means I communicate with the living and dead spirits I need to find out a few things from you , I am gonna ask you some questions all I ask is for you, to be honest, ok."He looks at me then sits indian style on the floor in front of me. I shake my head yes as he chants in indian.

"V ,you are from the crescent moon pack of California right?"

"Yes Sam I am"I giggle and look at Chase he shakes his head no and puts his finger over his mouth as if to shush me.I nod my head knowing what he meant.

"V how many times have you changed fully into your wolf?"

"Once chief red wolf"

"And have you found your mate and have you killed in wolf form yet"

"I had but he promised himself to another so I left home, and no to the other.

"V, a spirit is wanting me to give you a piece of wisdom the person you search for is  in Death Valley."

"Is it my mom ?"

"Yes V she says to tell you she loves you. She never meant to hurt anyone especially her kids."

He stands up and says "Guess what V we are gonna teach you everything you need to know about wolves in general. We will teach you about your own packs bylaws we will give you the tools you need to be able to go back to your pack and be whole, a room to stay in but you will be responsible for your own meals after a week you will know how to hunt by then."

"Thank you so much Sam I was so lost you are truly god sent."He hugs me"No child you are."

Chase pulls me by the arm and shows me my room as long as I stay.Chase changing into his wolf in front of me and changing back to him self .

"How are you not walking around naked Chase the only time I changed I woke up butt naked in my car?"

"That is easy V in your human state you hide clothes in certain places and your wolf will remember so when you are you again you will wake up with clothes to put on that's all there is to that go grab a change of clothes and meet me back here we will practice"I run in and get two change of clothes he instructs me to hide them  where they are not visible to the human eye. So I get back from hiding them and he says"Change V and decide you wanna be back you and she will get you close to your clothes.I take my necklace off and hang it on a branch. And tell my wolf she could come out to run for a second next thing I new I was running in the woods so care free without anything holding me back I was in here head now.And I liked it we heard other wolves howling and stopped to howl to. Then I started thinking about my clothes and sure enough I woke up on the ground next to them. After putting them on I found chase and put my necklace back around my neck. After practicing a few times .

"Ok enough with learning it is dinner time and you are eating with me and my family"

We walk into his home and a ten year old boy comes running up to him yelling "Pop Pop"

"V this is my son Waya which means wolf in our tongue but his human name is Alex"he puts the boy down and he takes off running into the kitchen.Chase walks over to the playpen and picks up a little girl she was maybe one at the most"This is Salali that's her Cherokee name it means squirrel  her human name is Tasha"

"So Tasha and Alex are your kids "so where is Mrs.Chase?"She steps from the kitchen a laughing.

"This V is my wife her Cherokee name is Scatchwah  which means lady wolf"she interrupts him.

"I am Navaeh his wife he always acts like he is reading from a book nice to meet you V welcome to our home, "she holds her hand out to me."

"Thank you for inviting me your human name is unique I have never heard it before"

"And you probably won't ever hear it ever again as far as I know it is not used any more my grandmother named me it is heaven spelled and pronounced backwards,"

"And you are my piece of heaven "Chase walks to his wife and hugs her tenderly.

"Oh stop that Chase Reddy" she playfully smacks at him.

"Ok Mrs.Chase " he says sitting  down at the dinner table and laughing.For the first time in a while I was starving. So I take a seat and watch as they pray to mother earth thanking her for her bounties and thanking Wakan Tanka.I am guessing that's how you say God in their language."You have a beautiful family Chase."

"I would have to agree with you on that" about that time Sam walks in and sets down."I see your appetite is back V"

"How did you know about my appetite ?"

"V I have been watching you for weeks now I know what ails your heart and we can fix it so you will know how to deal with it when you go back home it want hurt anymore I promise"

I realized at that moment I hated the word promise it seemed cruel and mean.Rane knowing since we were sixteen he was my mate but promised himself to another,my mom promising to love my father and to just break her promise. Promises I guess are made to be broken.

"What do you mean when I go home Sam?"

"We can talk about all that later V right now I am trying to fill my belly and not my thoughts."He laughs.

Wolf Valley Saga: Coming HomeWhere stories live. Discover now