Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - The Odd Man

Hi I'm Hermione Granger and I'm a muggle-born

We were told to create a diary over the summer, and to record everything we did as part of our homework, well I won't be going back to Evergreen Primary ever again.

It all started last night, when a strange man with half-moon glasses, long robes that made him look like a girl, and a shiny white long beard came to my house.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was a normal day, dad was at the dentist (his work), mum was out in the garden, and I was reading a book, when there was a knock at the door. I went and opened it and the man said "Ahh, you must be Hermione Granger and your mother is in the garden. May I come in?"I went and got my mum and told her there was someone in the lounge looking to see her. She went in and the man said "Good afternoon, I am Professor Dumbledore. I am the headmaster of Hogwarts a school for wizardry and witchcraft. I am here to inform you that your daughter is a witch and has been accepted into my school."

Mum told me to phone dad and to tell him to get his backside over here. As I phoned him I heared mum offer him some refreshments and he replied asking for "butterbeer". So I'm a witch, though that does explain why Elizabeth was floating in mid air when she was teasing me about my curly hair. Once dad came home mum and dad were told all about this Hogwarts and that I would learn how to use magic wisely and safely. Mum and dad asked me if I wanted to go, of course I said yes!!!!

Hi lovely readers.

Next chapter will be up as soon as it can.

DISCLAIMER: All characters and the story line belong to J.K. Rowling and everything up to chapter 8 belongs to chickdramione

Bye until next time!


Lily Luna Potter

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