Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-The Boy

Well, I've got everything I need. Now, it's just a waiting game. I wonder if I'm the only muggle born? Well, I hope not, because I would feel so pushed out if i was. I was just in the front garden, when a tingling sensation came across my whole body and a boy about my age walked past. I know I didn't write this, but it was the same sensation that I felt in Diagon Alley. So, being curious, I asked my mum if I could go and play. Of course, she said, "yes," so I followed the boy. He went onto a field, picked a flower and lifted it over to me, it flew!

Just as I was about to ask him his name, he said "Jake, my name is Jake." I wasn't very sure at how he read my mind, but I have read something about occlumency, that allows people to read minds.

So I asked him, "Are you a wizard?", at first he hesitated, but then he confessed, "Yes, and so are you, I can feel the magic in you ,but your parents are muggle. Am I correct?"

"Yes," I replied, "My name is Hermione."

"So, Hermoine, are you going to Hogwarts this year?"

"Yes. Are you?" I questioned.

"Yes I am" he answered. Just as we were getting to know each other, my mum came over and said that tea was ready. So, I went in. I have not seen the boy since.


My ticket for the train came through today, and a little message saying that to get to the platform, I have to walk through the wall between platforms 9 and 10, the only bad thing is mum and dad can't come through, as they are muggle repelant. So if they lean onto the wall, they won't discover our world. The train leaves at 11am on the dot.

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