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Life isn't so simple. We rid an entire town of demons. We destroyed the Unit like cutting the head off a snake. All of the high-ranking members are dead, the younger and more junior members have scattered. A war that started decades ago has finally ended. Even the local papers have reported a significant drop in the crime-rate. I feel like our job is done.

It's a weird, lost sort of feeling. No one knows what to do with themselves anymore. The firehouse has never been so quiet. It's been nearly a month, and I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every noise in the night is a demon attack. Every candle flame is a hell-gate. Every worried look on a friend's face has blue static running over my skin.

Despite my paranoia, Daegu  is safe. Today, for the first time in weeks, I step outside. The summer sun is warm, and a calm breeze drifts through the air. I take a deep breath and sit down on the crumbling sidewalk. The concrete is a little too hot on my bare, scarred feet but I don't move.My bandaid hands slightly trembles again, as I hold them from shivering too much. Down the road I hear Jeongguk's voice shouting encouragements and I turn to see the commotion.

Junsoo is riding a bicycle this way. The front wheel wobbles with his unsteady grip on the handlebars, but he's managing to keep himself upright.

Jimin and Jeongguk stand further back, clapping their hands and cheering Junsoo's first ride. They'd mentioned earlier that they were going to teach him. Jeongguk's been doing his best to combat the desolate aftermath of whole war, and for the first time in weeks it looks like he's found a way.

"Minhee! Look at this!" Junsoo shouts, nearly losing balance, "It's a bicycle!" He adds enthusiastically.

"Yeah," My smile dissipates as quickly as it came, when a figure materializes in front of me.

Hoseok. He flickers like a bad cable signal, but it's unmistakably him.

"You," I spit the word like an accusation, but the ghost doesn't seem to notice. He's gasping, clutching at his throat.

"What's he doing here?" Jeongguk  shouts as he and Jimin come running up. Junsoo follows immediately, bike left forgotten in the empty street.

"Please-" Hoseok chokes out, still barely holding himself together. He's clearly about to go death-moment, but I can't care.

"Yoongi told us," Jeongguk  steps forward, as if shielding the rest of us from having to look at the distraught ghost, "He told us what you did. You told the Unit where we'd be. You're the reason they showed up at the portal. The reason tae-" Jeongguk's voice breaks into a growl and he clenches his hands into fists.

"Please, you have to listen," Hoseok reaches forward, but his hands pass right through Jeongguk.

What? Jeongguk  lurches backward, clutching at his shoulder where Hoseok's near-transparent fingers had just been.

I jump to my feet, "How are you not solid?"

Hoseok's flickering intensifies, the color drains from his skin. His clothes, "Please, help me."

"What's happening to you?" Jimin  stares, looking revolted.

"Minhyuk," Hoseok whispers, "And he's coming."

Those terrified brown eyes stare at us, right as he fades from sight. Not a ghostly zap-out, but the slow disintegration of his spirit from the universe.

"Hoseok?" I ask the empty air before us.

"No," Jeongguk shakes his head, "No, you can't kill a ghost. He's... he's somewhere," but it's clear in Jeongguk's voice he know's he's wrong.

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